Yumemizuki Mizuki Guide and Best Builds (2025)




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Yumemizuki Mizuki Guide and Best Builds (1)

Yumemizuki Mizuki is the 5-Star Anemo characterreleasing from Inazuma. Read on to learn more aboutMizuki's kit, Mizuki's best Builds and also her Ascension and Talent Materials.

Last updated on Jan 08, 2025 at 12:37by Shikhu

TBC Rank

Anemo Element

Catalyst Weapon


??? EN Voice Actor

??? JP Voice Actor


Yumemizuki Mizuki Build Guide, Best Artifacts, Weapons and Talent Priority

Yumemizuki Mizuki's beta has only just begin and is subject to a lot of changeswhich can impact her build as well as future theorycafting. It is best to ensureyou farm up Ascension and Talent materials first before working on her buildor team members.

BiS Weapon New Year's Morning Hibernation (Signature)
Alternative Weapons
  1. Starcaller's Watch
  2. Sacrificial Fragments
  3. Magic Guide
  4. Wandering Evenstar
  5. Fruit of Fulfillment
  6. Mappa Mare
Best Artifacts
  1. Viridescent Venerer
Main Stats
  • Sand Stats: Elemental Mastery
  • Goblet Stats: Elemental Mastery
  • Circlet Stats: Elemental Mastery
Substat Priority
  1. Coming Soon!
Talent Priority
  1. Coming Soon!


Yumemizuki Mizuki Best Team Comps

Mizuki's best teams are still very subject to change over the course of the beta.At the moment Mizuki's best teams are variations of Electro-Charged with Mizukibeing an on-field driver but other reaction-heavy teams would work. Generallyspeaking, anywhere you may use an on-field Sucrose is a potential valid teamcomposition.

Main DPS Sub DPS Sub DPS Support
Yumemizuki Mizuki Fischl Xingqiu Furina
Yumemizuki Mizuki Ororon Yelan Furina
Yumemizuki Mizuki Fischl Yae Miko Nahida


Yumemizuki Mizuki's Ascensions, Talents, Materials and Constellations

Mizuki Ascensions Mizuki Talents Mizuki Constellations


Yumemizuki Mizuki Ascension Passives and Materials

Ascension Passive Explanation
Bright Moon's Restless Voice

When Yumemizuki Mizuki triggers Swirl while in her Dreamdrifter state, Dreamdrifter's duration increases by 2.5s. This effect can trigger once every 1s for a maximum of 2 times per Dreamdrifter state.

Thoughts by Day Bring Dreams by Night

While Yumemizuki Mizuki is in the Dreamdrifter state, when other nearby party members hit opponents with Pyro, Hydro, Cryo, or Electro attacks, her Elemental Mastery will increase by 100 for 4s.

All Ailments Banished When Yumemizuki Mizuki is in the party, party members have a chance to recover 30% additional HP when using healing foods. The trigger chance for this effect increases with the corresponding character's Friendship Level. (This effect will always trigger if the Traveler is the character consuming healing food.)

Yumemizuki Mizuki gains Elemental Mastery as she levels giving her a total of 115 EMat level 90.

The total cost to upgrade all ascensions is:

Source Quantity
Mora 420,000 Mora
Boss Material 46x Talisman of the Enigmatic Land
Ascension Material
  • 1x Vayuda Turquoise Sliver
  • 9x Vayuda Turquoise Fragment
  • 9x Vayuda Turquoise Chunk
  • 6x Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone
Local Specialty 168x Sea Ganoderma
Enhancement Material
  • 18x Old Handguard
  • 30x Kageuchi Handguard
  • 36x Famed Handguard


Yumemizuki Mizuki's Talents

Type Talent Name Brief Explanation
Normal Normal Attack: Pure Heart, Pure Dreams

Normal Attack

Performs up to 3 attacks, dealing Anemo DMG.

Charged Attack

Consumes a certain amount of Stamina and deals AoE Anemo DMG after a short casting time

Plunging Attack

Calling upon the power of Anemo, she plunges towards the ground from mid-air, damaging all opponents in her path. Deals AoE Anemo DMG upon impact with the ground.

Elemental Skill Aisa Utamakura Pilgrimage

Weaves memories of lovely dreams, entering a Dreamdrifter state where she floats above ground and dealing 1 instance of AoE Anemo DMG to nearby opponents.


  • Yumemizuki Mizuki will deal AoE Anemo DMG to nearby opponents at regular intervals.
  • Increases the Swirl DMG that nearby party members deal based on Yumemizuki Mizuki's Elemental Mastery.
  • Dreamdrifter will end when Mizuki leaves the field or uses her Elemental Skill again.
Elemental Burst Anraku Secret Spring Therapy

Summons forth countless lovely dreams and nightmares that pull in nearby objects and opponents, dealing AoE Anemo DMG and summoning a junior member of her kind.

Mini Baku:

Follows the current active character. At regular intervals, the Mini Baku will create 1 Yumemikaze Specialty Snack nearby. After a nearby active character picks up a Specialty Snack, if their HP is higher than 70%, the Snack will explode and unleash a Munen Shockwave, dealing 1 instance of AoE Anemo DMG to nearby opponents. Otherwise, it will heal the one who picked it up based on Yumemizuki Mizuki's Elemental Mastery. If some time passes without a Snack being picked up, it will explode and release a Munen Shockwave, dealing 1 instance of AoE Anemo DMG to surrounding opponents.

To upgrade a single talent to level 10, it costs:

Source Quantity
Mora 1,625,500 Mora
Special Material 1x Crown of Insight
Boss Material 6x Fading Candle
Domain Material
  • 3x Teachings of Transience
  • 21x Guide to Transience
  • 38x Philosophies of Transience
Enhancement Material
  • 6x Old Handguard
  • 22x Kageuchi Handguard
  • 31x Famed Handguard


Yumemizuki Mizuki's Constellations

# Name Explanation
C1 In Mist-Like Waters

When Yumemizuki Mizuki is in the Dreamdrifter state, she will continuously apply the "Twenty-Three Nights' Awaiting" effect to 1 nearby opponent for 3s every 3.5s. When an opponent is affected by Anemo DMG-triggered Swirl reactions, this effect will be canceled and this Swirl instance has its DMG against this opponent increased by 900% of Mizuki's Elemental Mastery.

C2 Your Echo I Meet in Dreams

When entering the Dreamdrifter state, every Elemental Mastery point Yumemizuki Mizuki has will increase all nearby party members' Pyro, Hydro, Cryo, and Electro DMG Bonuses by 0.02% until the Dreamdrifter state ends.

C3 Till Dawn's Moon Ends Night Increases the Level of Aisa Utamakura Pilgrimage by 3.
C4 Buds Warm Lucid Springs

Picking up a Yumemikaze Specialty Snack from the Elemental Burst Anraku Secret Spring Therapy will both deal DMG and heal, and will restore 5 Energy to Yumemizuki Mizuki. Energy can be restored this way 4 times per Anraku Secret Spring Therapy duration.

C5 As Setting Moon Brings Year's End Increases the Level of Anraku Secret Spring Therapy by 3.
C6 The Heart Lingers Long

While Yumemizuki Mizuki is in the Dreamdrifter state, Swirl DMG dealt by nearby party members can Crit, with CRIT Rate fixed at 30%, and CRIT DMG fixed at 100%.



  • 05 Jan. 2024: Page added.

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Shikhu (Discord - Shikhu) is an avid Genshin Impact player who has been exploring Teyvat since the game has launched. He has experienced all the game has to offer from building his favorite characters, exploring the world to clearing Spiral Abyss each rotation. His favorite character being his C6 Furina.



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Yumemizuki Mizuki Guide and Best Builds (2025)
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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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