The Daily Sentinel from Scottsboro, Alabama (2024)

Vol. 2 94 Single Cony Priee 10 Scats bo ro, Alabama. Thursday, November 21, 1963 Our 74th Year Twelve Pages vv r-i 1M illoil mdm 2-Umt Liquor Still wiiuii Sunday Destroyed Federal, state Sunday morning mill on Crow Federal, state and county law on Crow Mountain, the largest to raid and destroy enforcement officers joined forces an elaborate two-unit liquor Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon for Hubert Rogers, 69, of Route 2, Section, who was killed when he was struck by an automobile while crossing Highway 35 in front of his home near Duncan's Cross Roads. State troopers reported that a car being driven by Odis Ray Johnson of Rainsville struck Rogers about 6 pjn. Monday.

He 1 I) illegal moonshine operation uncovered in Jackson County during the past year. Three persons were apprehended at the still, but a fourth eluded the officer network. Charges are being considered against a fifth person whom officers believed 1 "-v V. i .5. SANDERS SERVICE STATION-FACKLER, PIGGLY WIGGLY THE SENTINEL-AGE A SCOTTSBORO POWER BOARD JONES DRY GOOD STORE McCAMY DRUG COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION OFFICE JACKSON COUNTY TELEPHONE COMPANY J.



CbI Sctit Tt Uttt Fritfay Cub Scout Pack 263 of Scottsboro will hold its monthly meeting Friday, Nov. 22, at 7 pjn. in the Cumberland Presbyterian church. All Cubs are expected to be present and bring at least one parent. Plans will be announced for the Roundup to be held in Huntsville on Dec.

7. Wfmm MARY GRACE SMITH Pisgeh FIIA Elects Officers Mary Grace Smith, 18-year-old senior, has' been elected president of the Plsgah High, school Future Homemakers of America by members of the chapter. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith of the Bryant she is a member of the Citizenship and Dramatic Club, the pep squad and a active member of the FHA, She is a member of the GlajdateCj of Christ, where she -is elso I Ho SpsaH Here STILL FOUND, DESTROYED.

A two-cooker illegal liquor still, capable of producing between 300 and 350 gallons of moonshine whiskey per run, was found and destroyed by federal, state and county law enforcement officers on Crow Mountain Sunday morning. Top photo shows officers participating in the raid standing on top of the cookers, four feet high and seven feet across, and bottom photo shows the destruction of the still after six sticks of dynamite had been set off by officials. (Photos by Studios). uy bar was killed almost instantly. Johnson told investigators that he did not see Rogers until he was directly in front of his car and he could avoid striking the elderly man.

His statement was collaborated by another motorist, Willie Stallings. Stallings stated that he was headed toward Fort Payne and wak meeting Johnson, headed toward Section and Scottsboro oh Highway 35, when Rogers stepped into the path of the automobiles. Stallings said he was able to pull his car off the pavement onto the road's and avoid hitting the Rogers continued on across the highway and walked directly Into the path of Johnson's car. The left front side of the car struck Rogers. No charges have been filed in connection with the accident, which was termed unavoidable by investigators.

Services for Rogers were conducted from the New Sardis Baptist church with Rev. Barnett Jones and Rev. Kyle Durham officiating. Burial was in the New Caiman cemetery under direction of Rainsville Funeral Home. Survivors include his widow, Mrs.

Patty Rogers; two daughters, Mrs. Vera Head and Mrs. Opal Deerman, of Rainsville; two brothers, Sam Rogers of California, and Bill Rogers of Florida; an debJJirr great-grandchildren. $2,700 Given 4-11 Officers and directors of the ickson County Soil Conservation Association have voted to donate $2,700 to Alabama 4-H Foundation. A a.

meeting of the group in Scottsboro last Friday, the five officers and directors and seven Unit Tel Demonstrator farmers present voted unanimously to dig deepintothe association's educational surplus funds and make the substantial contribution to the Jackson County's fund drivefor the foundation. The officials authorized Secretary S.L.Worleytodonate the $2,700 immediately to the worthy cause, although they knew this would leave only a small working capital in the association's treasurer. County Agent J. E. Carter expressed his gratitude i behalf of the foundation for this contribution.

He explained that with this contribution, Jackson County would not have highest amount of funds raised for this cause, nor would it be the lowest, but that it would probably be a little above average of the 16 counties comprising District One. He continued: "I hope it will encourage groups, business men and farmers to dig alitUedeeperandcontribute more to this cause than they have done to date." i Other business conducted at this meeting was the election of new officers and directors officers elected were as follows: J.B. Worley, Facklerr chairman; Lester Smith, Saury Bottoms, vice chairman, and members, Neal Bryant, Woodville, Hubert Atkins, Randall's Chapel, and Ernest Loyd, Stevenson. a son County "Soil Conservation is now composed entirely of the UTD farmers in Demonstration The Bridgeport High school band will present a concert at the Plsgah High school auditorium Friday, Nov. 22 at 7 pjn.

Everyone is urged to attend. Proceeds will go for Plsgah Band. John renter of Birmingham, chairman of the Alabama Republican Executive committee, will address Jackson County Republicans in Scottsboro at the old American Legion home on U.S. Highway 72 West Friday night at 7:30 Grenier is also chairman of the regional Draft Goldwater Committee, which includes six southern states i All Jackson County republicans, as well as any other interested persons, are urged to attend the meeting. 4il fll -rf.

i- prohibition law; seven tor, reckless driving; five for assault and battery; three for assault; two each for resisting arrest, operating a business without a license, abusive language and driving while license was revoked; and one each on the following charges: Contribution to the deliquency of a minor, assault with a gun, public drunkenness, driving without a license, disorderly conduct, destroying city property, speeding, improper muffler, vagrancy and insufficient life preservers. Citizens summoned for jury duty from the Scottsboro area include: Franklin Brashier, Kenneth Muse, James R. Carter William Clyde Cornelison, Clarence i Stewart, Robert Frank Chrisman, R. A. little.

Woods Thompson, Paul L. Brandon, James Foster, Albert Rtcker, Robert Proctor Matthews, Jessie Wilbom Manning, Douglas T. Thomas, Richard Glass, A.T. Machen, John D. NOrris and Hubert Barclay.

Bridgeport area citizens summoned include Ralph Abbott. David Willis P. Cunningham, Howard Collins" Delmar Ingram and William L. Merritt. From Woodville: Clan R.

Kennarner, Elton Bellamy, Houston T. Kennarner and Odell Cobb. ton Section: John A. Linville Jr John Calvin Neeley, Roy L. JoneS, Aubrey L.

Carter and Ira Arnold' Dawson. From Long Island: Conley Smith, Noah Jackson West, Leo C. Bowion, Herbert Evers, James Moore, James See Story No.l, Page 2 i 9 I was acting as lookout for the operation. Sheriff C. T.

Dean of Jackson County identified the three men arrested at the scene as Newt Evans, Routel, Scottsboro Rufus Shavers, 44, of Route 1, Scottsboro, and John T. Dolberry, 44, Route 1, Fackler. Charges of distilling and possession of a still were lodged against each of the three men apprehended at the still. Each posted bonds of $1,500 on the two charges Sunday afternoon and were released from the county jail. The still was the largest uncovered during the term of Sheriff Dean, who took office last January.

It had two cookers, each with a capacity of about 1,200 gallons of mash. Officers estimated that the still, an elaborate affair with concrete cinder blocks and stainless steel boilers, was capable of producing between 300 and 350 gallons moonshine with each run. supplied to the still was piped from a pond several hundred yards away. The water line at one pond was buried under a blacktopped public highway. Officials estimated that the rig cost approximately $1,000 to construct, and had the initial operation been a success, the operators could have paid for the affair with the proceeds.

The which had been under surveillance for several days was located on property owned by Lester Cornelison. Four of the raiding officers had kept an all-night vigil in area Saturday. In addition to Sheriff Dean, Jackson County deputies participating in the raid were Chief Deputy Mjvi. Dean, Deputies Vernon Thomas, Anderson Knight and Hollis Johnson. Others participating in the raid and arrests were ABC Agent Edwin Owens, ATUArea Supervisor J.

M. Hoover, and ATU Agents Troy Hammer and C. Little. Since assuming office last January, Sheriff Dean's department has participated in the destruction of over 40 stills in the county, but the one Sunday was the largest to date. Six sticks of dynamite were used to destroy the two-cooker unit, which had been fired up for the first run a short time earlier.

Portions of the still went as high as 200 feet in the air when the dynamite charges were set off, two sticks at a time. The dynamite had been strategically placed around the cookers and condenser. Fuel oil was used for "the cooking purposes. Sheriff Dean reported that the roar of the fire in the furnaces could be heard for several hundred feet. The still was located in a ravine on top Crow Mountain.

Fall Festival (lets $2,151.68 Mount Olive High school at Higdon held its annual fall festival Saturday night, Nov. 16 taking in a total of $2451.68 to make it the biggest success In the school's history. There were numerous activities. The wives of Sand Mountain Rescue Squad of Higdon had a bake sale which accumulated a 1 a contribution. Highlights of the evening were a "fashion show" and the' crowning of the King and Queen.

Sponsors of the event wish to express thanks to all who turned out for the evening of fun and frolic, and to invite aU back to a country music show tobebUi 23 at the school. TLasurs of the show win be the Lc0.3Ut Mountain Valley Boys. A 1 1 proceeds from this eve 3 also go to the school. Yule Givers Plans Listed The Scottsboro Christmas Givers Council has adopted plans for the distribution -holiday baskets to needy families. The plans were adopted last week at a meeting of the council, and are as follows: Applications for Christmas baskets will be taken at the Health Department in Scottsboro Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Nov. 25, 26 and 27, between 3 and 5 pjn. No application will taken except at these times. Because the limited number of baskets which can be provided, it is impossible for the Scottsboro Council to take care of all needy families in the county. For this reason, it has been necessary to limit applications to people living within an area surrounding Scottsboro.

Applications, therefore, can be accepted only from people living in the Tennessee Valley north and east to Mud Creek, south Mink Creek, and west to Stevens Gap. Organizations or individuals desiring names of applicants needing baskets can secure them from the Garden Qub at the Health Center, 609 S. Broad phone 574-1621 on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Dec. 2, 3 and 4, between 3 and 5 pjn. Tf*cksf ifii( Bill AtArmry The North Jackson Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4960 is sponsoring a semi-formal Thanksgiving Ball to be held at the National Guard Armory Thursday, Nov.

28, from 8 pan. until midnight. Rip Reagans orchestra from Gadsden will furnish music for the occasion. Men must have coat and tie and ladies should wear a party dress. Stevenson Sets Vinter Carnival The annual Winter Carnival, sponsored by the Stevenson PTA will be held Friday, Nov.

22; beginning at 5:30 pjn. Supper will be served in the school cafeteria. At 7 pjn. a pageant will be presented at the school auditorium by the Elementary pupils. The title is American Heritage." Side shows, folk games, cake walks, dart throwing and other interesting amusem*nts will be held in the high school rooms.

Hay rides and donkey riding also if weather is permissible. Every one is urged to attend and enjoy an evening of fun and help the PTA. Proceeds will be used for some worthy project of the school, rUTiKsttTiiiikt The Scottsboro Parent-Teacher Association will meet tonight (Thursday) at 7:30 pjn. in the Caldwell Elementary school auditorium. Theme of the meeting will be Your Library." Bill Heath, local author, will give a brief discussion on books.

TiCtit*itirt'ir A meeting of the Jackson County 4-H dub officers will be held in the courthouse auditorium Saturday, Nov. 23, starting at 90 ajn. AH local leaders, principals and 4-H members are invited to attend. Medals will be presented to the winners inthecounty awards program. 65 Called For December County Court Jury Duty; 86 Cases Set Sixty-five Jackson County citizens have been summoned for jury service during the December term of county court, scheduled for Dec.

9-13. A total of 86 cases have been scheduled for hearing during the week, including 27 of civil nature and 59 criminal cases. The civil suits include 13 cases for damages, eight for insurance claims, three for accounts, two promissory notes and one for contract. Criminal cases scheduled for hearing include 14 for driving while under the influence of intoxicants; 13 for violation of the 4Valures Galore From Merchants You Trust "Isn't it a glorious feeling to be among people you know and trustr That's what the lady said, when she returned to Scottsboro from a city shopping trip where she encountered the hustle and bustle and "Don't Care" attitude of city clerks. Recognition, fellowship and trust are basic needs, and you 11 all these attributes i Scottsboro.

You can shop here with confidence, with friends and neighbors to help you find exactly what you need at the price you want to pay. i- What does Scottsboro have to offer? "Conveninet shopping facilities accessible toalargetradearea. --Comfortable shopping CIvIfans Plan llouso-To-llouso Fruit Cako Salo The Qvitan dub will formally launch its 1963 fruit cake sale Friday night in a house-to-house canvass, starting at 6 pjn. Proceeds from the annual sale of the delicious Qaxton fruit cakes go toward carrying out various programs of the club especially to the Boy Scout of America endeavor, Jackson County Retarded Children's Association and the Crippled Children's Fund. The cakes, baked in Qaxton, by the Qaxton Bakery, come in two packages, one and three pounds.

They sell for $1 per pound. If a citizen misses out on the house-to-house campaign, they may obtain the cakefromoneof several stores in the city, The Sentinel-Age, or from any member of the club. The sale will continue until Christmas. Q'Oack Club Picks Officers Glenn Williams was elected captain the Scottsboro Quarterback Qub for the 1963-64 season Monday night, succeeding Judge John Proctor who served in that capacity the past year. Rex Johnson was selected by the dub to serve as co-captain, with Jiy Peaco*ck a quarterback.

Bob Haas as treasurer and John Bradford as referee. Proctor and CO. Blackwell were named as new directors, along with the following who still haveanottaerterminoffice: Paul Davis, Shorty Robertson, Paul Dawson, Bud Campbell and Sam Holland. Plans have not been" completed for the annual; Scottsboro High school football banquet, but are scheduled to be completed and date announced at an early date. Stevenson To Welcome Santa The Stevenson Jaycees are planning the biggest Christmas parade Stevenson citizens have seen in years to welcome Santa daus.

The rotund gent will arri vein the Northeast Jackson County community at 4 pjn. on Friday, Nov. 29, riding on a fire truck i will be led by the Stevenson police on a ride through downtown Stevenson. After the parade, Santa will remain in town until 9 pjn. with candy for the children a to visit with everyone.

Stores will remain open until 9 also. Tentative plans for the parade include the band, cheerleaders, boy scouts, FFA, a Jayceefloat VFW, motorcycles, Jayceette float and any other groups and floats who would like to participate. The. purpose of the parade is to welcome Santa Qaus and open the Christmas shopping season in Stevenson. Santa will be in Stevenson five days before Christmas visiting in different stores.

A schedule of times and places you can see Santa will be given later. Parade chairman is Buddy Harris and his co-workers are George Loyd, Cecil Sartin and Buster Guess. A recent change in the administration the club moves i Jesse Cornell son to president and Charles Loydto first vice president. Hugh Murdock, former president has moved to Guntersville. quarters, manned by courteous, 11 efficient salespeople.

"Experienced cosmotologists and expert hair stylists to care for the well-groomed woman. Jewelry stores to supply you withthefinestin jewelry and watch making to excel all others. Interior decorators, furniture dealers and paint contractors who can satisfy any homemaker's taste. -Haberdashers, ladies' ready-to-wear and children's shops to dress anybody for any occasion. Super markets and neighborhood grocery stores stocked with foods that will satisfy any gourmet -and fit any budget.

A large array of assorted fabrics from all over the world, styled by the world's best designers. --Recreational facilities and hobby shops to keep you entertained and amused. Skill physicians and surgeons, fine hospital and clinic facilities, and well-stocked pharmacies to safeguard and maintain your health. Architects, contractors and building supply people to erect and maintain any type structure. New and used automobiles and trucks of all makes and models for business and pleasure.

Automotive and farm implement parts and skiH -mechanics to service all makes and models. The most modern machinery and gadgets that win save you both money and time In your farm and household duties. AH these above essentials can be found at everyday low prices from your friendly and dependable Scottsboro merchants. Shop the stores displaying the "Values Galore" posters for all your needs..

The Daily Sentinel from Scottsboro, Alabama (2024)
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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

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Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.