Kansas is not the only locality upon nOBBIBLE MliBERATumLE, LAND LAND Madrid, February 4. Official dispatches from Havana annouue-r the defeat of the iusiirgeuts by National BY TELEGRAPH! Champion Jsocal Matters. THE CENTRAL BRANCH UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. Xow offer lor sl- tlic li nil within a District Heermance Academy. ATCHISON, KANSAS.
C()TAll(i l. TilEAGGREGATE 1,280,000 ACRE AXD ISl'LriHXU THE Kickapoo Indian Reservation. Hid SCHOOL Ol'tKS ITS FIKSf SKiSIOS ON Munday, October 11th, 1SOO, autlvr Hi upeTTi- Ka of Profcsaor a. i.v an able corps of teacliera. Localiam The Natiotial Hotel, mi tbe corner of Atch ison and tint street, luu Urn raavxlelvd, repaired aud fitted for the use of this school.
Tu rooms ara large, light and airv, tha place is ae-cesaalda to all parts of Iowa, yet retired from tha tiusjnefia bart of tbe citv. The Academic Year The year ia divided into three he Acmirmic Inxr The rear is aiviued into inrea terms of three nonths each, with vacations at the 1 close of each term. I Oars' stmfy Will embrace all that is usually I 1 FOR THOSE TALCABI.E laugot iu sicaueuiTs. itciuuius wusE i helliipttmt rpht Kpfrrred to the attention given to book-keeping and bust- Deuigertui r.gnis. nererrea 10 tue VAJin Plats and Descriptive Circulars, KEKPECTI.ie KANSAS, ITS VAST RESOURCES, ETC.
Furnialted Fife for Dlstrlbntlou by AT -W-Ti -WwarA tk JO. I rVTSB mH -i-- 1 I A 1 1 mrii i.ommisHioner. i. u. i u.
it. 4Tnis. kiv. kickapoo' lands not taxable. AS ONE HUNDRED ATCHISON.
FEBHUAHY 12, 1870. Arrival mud Drpartura ttt Mali at Aten-IfMtti. Kamasui. Arrive. Popart Ktrrrjix avd SocTHima Btito, via 8.
Louis. r.lHTERS AMD oTATS Via 10 A.M. 1 AM I.SAVEMWOavW. WtSTOX, WUTHX and Southern Kaiises, jll a.m. Ws.VSRV.
VI CSSfTRAl UaASCS U-j Pacific Railroad aaov.ji. fc3U 1Iiaw ath k. Mvdu y. if ad Fnd 7 Tiiesd Th'sd Satd'y' l.ilf a Tuestlay, Thurs "'I 8 AM day ni rUturdiiT, lu A.M. 11 r.M.
i.LoMiNrf wr: ulosiko wti ijb sc- 11. mil of the death of one of the firm, we iirr now oHerinc; our mam mot ti slock of Dry l- h( greatly prices. The goods must lt- sold regardless of cost, for the pur iijs of closing the business of the present l'oiiiiiy and reorganizing anew firm with a larr-r stock nnd facilities than ever before Thanking 'itir friends for their past very liberal jiBtroiingH, we ore now prepared In ret 11: i) their favors by offering especial in- luoenu-nts in extremely tow prices. Everybody eitil nnd see us Garii NrsrroMS run Friday Itaily, February KmorU has a breacli-of-promiae suit I. S.
McOill, of Manuall county, tavored ua with a call yesterday morning. Li-itren worth brute knocked hi home's ye out, tbi- police fnil-d lu arrel hint, The phprrg caII lor betli-r policemen. An l.iis been filed to restriiin Hie I I'liiiniSKiojiers of county from rntiMict ing county business at the MtaMion. aars a of New Ua- rn. has Willie boon my dear, 1101 but why do you ask.
John?" there is a rent deal of Mimll-pox about, and it ought 10 be done at 'ilice. The January number of the Human A'- uliuuiil Journal appears enlarged to forty pagu. 11 lias two thouaiinij iMiliscritjers, ex eelleul ia edited with care and ability, and otijf In 10 succeed, as it seems to be doing. It is urniwlif at the raleof a 1.50 per annum. The of the State Agricultural sends out a circular statin? that pro posals for the location of the State Fair will lit received until the first day of March, pi at which time the Executive Committee will meet and determine the place of holding he exhibition.
A. J. Haekins has his milk-wagou tn running order, and is supplying our citizens with fresh, pure milk, deliver af their lour, lie sella twelve quarts for $1.00, which in a reduction on former price. Look 011I for the milk wagon when ymi hear the horn toot. The Insurance ('ouipiiny, of Leav enworth, reports that its recefa4s fur the year mdin December 31st, lrStj't, were 83, nut its expenditures, including lo.i.es, 4-s It has isiued li.hllo policies, and has a capital of Tills is a very good slunvinjr for a young Company.
--We recrived a call, yesterday afternoon, from J. Peters, an old citizen of Atchison, but now a merchant of Watervillc. He is 01 1' our illicit intelligent flermmi citizens, an honorable and enterprising business iiittn, and highly respected by nil who know Mm. We were glad to meet him long siuce the Council of Kansas I'iiy concluded to make the pelade pay for water works. I he debt of that city is already two millions of dollars, with taxes at five p- and the new proposal to add to the debt i-ri aled so much opposition tlmf the Council have taken it back and instruefed the Mayor to lake the all back, which he does in a proclamation.
Kimtok Cs ivpiiix ASK Pukss Dear Sir ll alMirds me pleasure to say that the Missouri Valley Lite Insurance Company, (a home iiiiiiiilioii.) through their ajrent, Mr. J. A. Kiiiiiey, has paid tiie Mini of life insurance on the policy of Mr. Oard, deceased, and thereby demonstrates its readiness to adjust all rightful claims.
I. Kisiikb, Admini.stiator. At a ur-ting of the Directors of the Atchison Market House Company held last evening, an organization was effected by the electimi of M. Price, President. P.
Hubbard. Treasurer. n4 II. Clay Park, Secretary. A Cnmtuitee, consistuiz of John M.Jl'nee, J.
Dolau aul O. K. was appointed to solicit subscriptions for stock. The plan the Market House was presented and approved, and cau be seen at the office of Iruin SAliirilaj'1" Unity, i'ebrliary 4. Leavenworth has a revival.
It needs it Madly. Si. Joseph eats oysters at thirty -five cents per can. The ground-hog is fooling his time away hy slaying in his hole this kind of Heather. -The next legal holiday will be ou the anniversary of the birth of the Father of his I "ountry." Scarlet fever is prevailing in 8t.
Joseph, to an alarming extent. There have been many il al cases. The charming weather of the past few days lias brought many country people to the to do llieir trading. l.ouisvi'le is going to post the names of common drunkards in the saloons, and forbid ihe sale of liquor to them. It is a beautiful custom in some Orients lands to leave untouched the fruits that are shaken from the trees by the wind, these being regarded as sacred to Ihe poor and the stranger.
The Mississippi river has been navigable lo Dubuque all this winter, and the Keokuk ami St. Louis packets slill continue to run in connection with the Hannibal and St. Joseph ltitili-oad. Mr. Ni.rton, of the Kansas Kihirationat Juamxl received the dressing gown voted to the ugliest editor' in Emporia, on Christmas Kve.
He desires Ihe sympathy of Ihe editors throughout the Stale. There are now seven telegraphic offices established and ready for business on the Central Itranch Road west of Atchison, Muscotab, Netawaka, Wclmare. Centralis, Frankfort, Irving and Watervillc. Lawrence voted on Thursday ou a proposition to issue $100,000 ill bonds, to aid in Ihe erection, completion aud equipment of additional buildings for the use of I lie t'ni-versiiy of Kansas. The proposition was carried.
Every now and then when there is a row pistols arc pulled out aud some one gets shot. Who sees that the law against carrying concealed weapons is put into force We know a dozen men who habitually carry them and who will shoot upon occasion. During the month of January the Atchi-miii and Leavenworth Railroad shipped south J.T'.ll.T-o lbs of freight, including 75 car loads of grain, 'J cars of merchandise, and nine cars loaded wilh stock. The business of ihe Koad is steadily increasing. The Masons are making extensive prepa rations for their grand bail, which is to be held in Price's Hall on the evening of Washington's birth-day, 224 inst- It promises to be Ihe most brilliant and attractive social Catherine ever held in this city, and will be atleuded by a very large number of people.
Among the arrivals at a New York hotel we uoHi the name of 44 L. B. Bummer, of t'hicsgo." Californians complain that the recent San Francisco excursion from Chicago was comp sed entirely of the 44 Bummer" family. And there were enough left to supply material for several more which toe sun aheda the benignity of his countenance these winter months. Burleigh." writes from New York to the Chicago foul as follows: Meantime the winter wears away in spring-like softness, while the wise acres consult tu clonus, shake tbeir beads, and predict sickTees and a tardy spring.
The oldest inhabitant searches his memory in vain for a parallel to the present winter. AuveaTisiJiG. Those who don't believe in advertising, should read what the rich men ay: He who invests one dollar in business should invest one dollar in advertising. A ntfirarl. Without advertising 1 should be a poor man to-day.
r. H'JmOoltt. A man who is liberal in advertising is con sidered liberal in trade, and such a man sue eceds while his neighbor with just as much goods fails and drops out of market llnraee (Jretley. My success is owing to my liberality in ad verlising. Bonner.
A Good Game. There is a simple but in teresting play, to which oar young fclks have given the name of Verbarium," and which hog had a remarkable effect, within our ob servation, in stimulating the faculty of language in many somewhat slqggish brains. A number of persons ihe more the merrier are provided with pencils and word chosen as the verbarium, which each writes at the head of his sheet. The object of the game is to draw out the greatest number of words which lie fol.lad up, us it were, in the verba rium, and this is accomplished, amid much excitement and amusement, in the following manner Let us suppose, for instance, that the word chosen is treason." One of ihe company is appointed time-keeper, and the signal iiciug givcu, eacu writes as rapidly possible all the words bi'irinnini; with a T' which can be spelled with the letters of the verbarium. At the end of two minutes thu lime-keeper calls time:" and the eager pencils are obliged to stop.
The company tnen read, in order, the words they have written. As each word is read those who have not written it call out no," and those who have it cross it out from their lists and place opposite to it a number of credits equal to the number of defaulters. If three persons, for instance. fail to have the won! tea," the rest take three credits. Two minutes are then devoted to words beginning with and so on until the whole verbarium is exhausted, when each player counts the aggregate number of credits, and the one who has the largest num ber is declared the winner.
The possibilities of fun in this game do not appear from a dry description like the foregoing. The lamentations of those who, in their zealous pursuit of complicated anagrams. hare overlooked the simplest combinations; the shouts of laughter that attend the defeat of au attempt to impose triumphantly some word that "isn't in it;" the appeal to the dictionary to settle disputed questions, and a hundred other lively incidents of the game, render it the most popular amusement with the old and young that has ever been intro duced into the parlor. To illustrate ihe extensive range of Ian- guage which this simple amusement covers, it is oiiij necessary 10 say mm hoi. less lusnuiie hundred words may be derived in this way from' 44 treason," which is not a very good verbarium.
Try verbarium, and you will find it infalli bly successful as a means of amusement, while it is, as we have pointed out, highly usetul. American liuilihny. Here is a partial list of the words that cau be made from the letters of the word Treason: lea, noie, enr, on, no, eat, not, sea, rea son, note, son, are, art, tar, ton, rat, tear, (to rend asunder,) tears, as, sat, ate, arson. sort, neat, seat, rose, ran, era, sear, near. er, one, ear.
so, or, rot, rest, at, tan, to, too, nor, one, nest, set, sot, snore, oar, sat, an, ten, not, nor, sore, noes, oats, stone, sent. tone, soar, tore, onset, sane, erst, tare, earn, rent, rate, role, ant, star, rant, stern, torn. Frau Sunday "a Dally, February 3. The coming season is expected to be a busy one for builders. Business men should advertise liberally if they want to catch the trade of these dull times.
The work of tearing down the walls of the old Central School Building is progress ing rapidly. David Downer, editor of the Hia watha Sentinel, is in the city, and yesterday gave us a call. Grand Master Brown, of Leavenworth, attended Ihe meeting of Washington Lodge o. A. A.
last night. The evening train from Kansas City, on Friday, ran over and killed a man from Slab- town near the depot in Leavenworth. Vn alarm of firm was raised in the Third ward of Leavenworth on Friday evening, as the train for Atchison was leaving the depot. The latest bits of fashion are large silver and gold buckles in ladies' hats, and wo or three tiny bows of one color worn in 1 lie nan On the first of each month, singular as it may seem, most people hereabouts have three hands a right and left hand, and a little behind hand. Trains between Leavenworth aud Topeka are very irregular.
The train that should have left Topeka at 5:40 on Friday morning, did not start tin alter seven. The extra trains mentioned in our columns some days ago, will commence running on the Central Branch Koad on Monday, 14th instant. The new time-table will be out in a few A very pleasant party was assembled at the Planter's House on Friday night. The young gentlemen boarding there gave asocial was a.uucu uy nomner o. tucii iiicuuB, iuc luuiu new pivitucu, mivi a bountiful repast served up.
The party passed off most pleasantly, and all present enjoyed it with hearty test. We received calls yesterday morning from Capt. L. Hensel, member of the House from Nemaha county, Andrew S. Wilson, member I from Washington county, and Mr.
Bandy, who is on his way to Washington to engage in the practice of law, having formed a co- partnership with Mr. Wilson. We were glad to welcome these gentlemen to our sanctum. I Urisv Thoughts. Speak little, speak I truth, spend little, pay cash.
Better bend the back than bruise the fore- I head. If money is not thy servant, it will be thy master. Everything in its place, and a place for everything. Give neither counsel nor salt till you are asked for it. Troubles are like babies, they grow big- I ger by nursing.
rue greater tne aimcuity, tue more giory in surmounting it. A certain use for everything, and every- ttiing put to us use. Every one desires to be happy, and to be so mostly depends on one self. Words of wisdom sometimes fall to the ground, but a kind word is never lost. Labor to keep alive in your breast that spark of celestial fire called conscience.
Truth is born with us, and we must do vio lence to nature to shake off our veracity, Most of the shadows that cross our path 1 through life are caused by our standing in I our own light. No person ever got stung by hornets, who so with habits. I crv II WM BCI wj C4 I Labor is the law of the world, and be who- lives by other means, is of less value to I the world than the buzzing, busy insect- Our life is like Alpine countries, where winter is found by the side of summer, and woertj it is uui it step iruiu 2Rrucn glacier. The finest book in the world ia but aa incomplete fragment of human thought, a con fused reflection of the man who made it. It is like the ruin of a ruin.
There are a few powerful authors, who punish their readers, as did the Roman tyrants of old, by depriving them of sleep but most writers are too benevolent to do I bus. ll is oiKy folly to call the joys of our chiM- I hood the small and scentless. It is summer that brines I forth flowers of mature splendor and fra-J erance. .1 The flesh of animals who feed excursively 1 is allowed to have a higher flavor than that of those who are cooped up. May there not be the same difference between men who read aa their tastes prompt, and men who are eon- I I troops, were received lasteveuin aud were the occasion of great rejoicing.
New York, February j. Kit Burus' doir pit, on Water street, i to be dedicated to religious worship iieil Monday evening by Bishop James, assisted by Rev. F. L. Cayler, aud Rev.
H. Tyug. Daily noon prayer meetings are to loiiow. rumor reached tue ponce iai nigm mat an attempt was to be made on tbe lite oi Prince Arthur. An officer was detailed to watch the Prince and party as they pro ceeded from the Brevoort House to tbe residence of Judge Stoughton, corner of Fifth Avenue and Seventeenth street.
A party of ruffians stationed near the Brevoort House approached the officer, drew their revolvers, and told him to leave. The officer got reinforcements aud returned and attacked the ruttiana. Alter a sever cgnt, they arrested William Murphy, Pat. Mul-hide, Charles Gardiner, John Lough, and Mike McNultv. Lough ia an Englishman.
The party refused to make an explanation of their "conduct. They were arraigned before the Police Court this morning on a charge of assaulting an officer. Hot sufficient proof to establish a design upon the Prince lite being forthcoming, tney were committed for farther trial. New York, Fabruary 5. Prince Arthur left this afternoon for Boston.
He is to attend Mr. Peabody's obsequies, at Peabody, on Tuesday. There is no more truth in the report of an attempt to assassinate the Prince than that of a ru mor being that such a thing was intended. Several arrests were made. The Prince's friends deny the correctness of th report, aud the men under arrest profess to know nothingof it.
ihe belief is general that it is a hoax. Washington, February 5. The Prosideut will, on Monday, issue a proclamation of the ratification of. the treaty between the United Stales and China, and give tbe full text of the same. Uen.
Butler, as Chairman of the National Asylum for Disabled Soldiers, some time ago made application for bounty due soldiers who had deserted during the rebelliou amounting to four million dollnrs. The Treasury refused to turn over the money, -on tho ground that the bounty was not due tiH the expiration of the term of service, and that tho men had deserted before their term had expired. The decision has been aOirmed by the Attorney General, and hence the money will not lie paid over. President Grant is decidedly opposed to the appointing of a man from tbe Southern Cireuit on the Supreme Beuch. An effort is being made to secure the appointment of James F.
Wilson, of Iowa, to whom the President has offered several places in his Cabinet There is no doubt that Minister Hugh Ewing will be recalled from the Hagua. His friends have ceased their efforts for his retention. Washington, February 5. Internal Revenue Detective Cowan reports to Commissioner Delano, under date of Augusta, Georgia, January 31st, a very successful raid. Eighteen illicit stills captured, and a number of men engaged in running them.
Distance traveled over seven hundred miles. Rome, February 5. The Cervela Catolica, published hare, has a remarkable article called 4Les Man-nais Palitiques et Leconita." After referring to menaces against the (Ecumenical Council establishing decrees contrary to modern ideas, it says the Bishops despise the menaces of Governments that make laws at variance with the decrees of tbe Council. The subjects will not be held to observe them, and to exact obedience' to snch laws would be odious tyranny. If Governments separate Church from State, they must expect terrible revolutions to overthrow them.
France alone has beeu true to the concordance, and the Council will bear this in mind. Marseilles, February i. Great excitement was occasioned in this city this morning by the falling of two houses. Twelve persons were buried in tbe ruins. It is not thought that all were killed.
Two bodies have been recovered from tbe debris. REIT TORK MOSET MARKET. New Tork, February 6. The bank statement shows a slight loss in total reserve, bul it is favorable to sn easier slate of the money market, Ike excess over legal requirements being Mill thirty-live million. Money continues essy.
I'p-lowo banks appear to have accumulated heavy balances, which they only can employ at except ionably low rates, wilh Government dealers. The whole ranges 4(n)G. Prime paper scarce and in demand at 7(8. Gold firmer, active; opened at 20, and closed at 20,. Clearances, $3,000,000.
Governments decidedly firmer. Anticipation of the funding bill becoming a law has produced demands from banks for the issue of '07 and 'G8, which, having two or three years to run before maturity of option of pre-pay-uient, are regarded prospectively worth 2 or 3 per eent. above bonds subject to be called in upon regulations of proposed new bonds. Coupons '81. 181fai81: '62.
HlfSlMl. Cs, S(o10J; '65, l.16; new, 67 'C8. 141faii; 10-40S. mtkvzk ST. ErOCIS MARKET.
Et Louis. February o. r'luur uuiet and little doing super. 'lb 4 35 extra, $4 60; 45,6 25. Wheat steady No.
2 spring, No. 1 No. 1 red fall. $1 10; choice lo fancy red and white. $1 26.
Lorn dull and lower ia some grades; priuie mixed and yellow, 75e. strictly prime 1 0 fancy while. 8487a. Oais dull: in bulk. 4Jfaj4i2c.
sailed. JS-lfSoc. Rye diill, lower; S6e. Barley aotbinc doing. Cattle unchanged good, lo prime, 5 50 choice, 60.
Hogs small sales, dividing on 225 at $8 GO; cut lo date, 229,916, including summer-packed, over 240,000. Arrxsnos! Moist Saved is Mossy Made A Word to the Citizeat of Xtmaha County Do you want to know the best store in your county to trade with Vim will tell you with pleasure and charge you nothing for it. Our paper being noted for such generous deeds, we trust yon who do not subscribe for it will do so without delay, and we guarantee the two dollars' subscription will be returned to them fifty fold ia the way of such advice as are giving tbera this week. Ik Cohen, formerly of the firm of Cohen Friend, has started business alone ia Renera, and has opened out ia ibe store room formerly occupied by Cone Graham, and has one of the moat eilensiye assortment of dry goo-la, clothing, boots ami shoes, queen. war and groceries in Nemaha county.
Knowing him years ago, we recommen-J him cheerfully lo you as tha right man lo deal with be being an old merchant, understand buying the right kind of goods at the right kind of prices, and consequently can give you belter inducements than can be found elsewhere. Ha buys everything you raise, for which ha will pay Ihe highest prices. Remember L. Cohen, at tbe stone store, when next you go to seneca. janZ'iwtr Attkstio, Ladies Ladies wishing to make purchases ia dry goods aad fancy goods should not fail to call an E.
Fiat Co. They are closing out tbeir entire slock of fall aad winter I) res Goods at coat and many goods below cost. This is an excellent chance for the coming holidays. dawtf Ftras Fens Fiia I Ladies, if you want to buy a good set of Fan at astonishing tow prices, call at the dry goods house of E. Fiat Co.
They have marked their For dowa la pricea which cannot help to give general satisfaction. dawlf Cheapest a Best Mr. Whileomb'a Syrup for children, is sold by Druggists fop cents a bottle, and is aa mlmirabl prepa ration for infantile disorders. dawl Fresh Oysters received by U. ft.
Express every day. at Matt. Gerber ft Coa, for sale wholesale and retaL dtf Agents wanted toeanvasa for Books, Maps, Bookseller aad Stationer, daw. TWO ME KILLED WITH A BLl'OGEOX. A.
Mont Deplorable and De perate Afiatr. The Perpetrators Leave the Country. laajueat Jatltna Hurst. From the 8t Joseph Herald of Thursday moruinir we learn the particulars of a mot revolting murder, committed in llushville, Missouri, four miles from Atchison, on Tuesday last. The Herald says that the information, (which, by the way, comes to us in an official shape,) is to the effect that two young men named St.
Clair aud Jackson Hurst were assailed by another named Joseph Fry, and their skulls literally mashed in with a piece of scantlinc The statement is to the affect that for a long while a feud has existed be tween the Hursts, who were members of the Twenty-Fifth Missouri (Union) Infantry, and several other young men of the neighborhood, who were in the rebel army during the war, among them Joseph Fry, Wash Wells, Claib Jones Boggs, who have often manifested a bitter spite against the Hursts. They all, we believe, live in Rushville. On Tuesday evening, an altercation occurred in Dixon's store between the two Hursts and Bay-less Watson, which, however, did not go boyond words. Both the Hursts walked out of the store, and were followed by Watson. Soon after issuing from the door of the store, the Hursts were assailed with t'ones, which flew at them from all directions, one of which said to have been thrown by Ciaib Jones struck Jackson Hurst on the head, felling him to the earth.
Almost at the same moment, Joe. Fry ran up to St. Clair Hurst and struck him on the head with a piece of scantling, crushing in his skull, and then turning upon Jackson Hurst, dealt him a similar blow, as he lay prostrate from the siii'uuoa effect of the atone thrown by Jones, and as if with the intention of finishing him. After this the two men were left for dead, the assailants retiring from the victorious field, though not attempting to make any escape, as Wednesday morning they quietly resumed their regular avocation, as though nothing unusual had happened. Jackson Hnrst lingered in a state of insensibility till seven o'clock Wednesday morning, when he died.
His heal was frightfully crushed, and it was a matter of wonder that he survived so long. St. Clair Hurst, who was almost similarly injured, though the fracture of the skull was even more extensive, was still alive when our informant left Rushville, about four o'clock Wednesday af- ternoon, thongh no hope was entertained of his recovery. As the information comes to us, this affair has the aspect of a most monstrous murder, and as these facts have been sworn to before 'Squire Warner, we have no reason to doubt them. There may, however, be some cir cumstance that will palliate the enormity the awful act, at least in some degree.
It also stated that the deed is rendered additionally monstrous by previous threats on the part of some of those implicated An exam ination iuto the affair will take place, doubt less, in a few days, when the whole facts will be elicited. From the Si. Joseph Union-morning we learn the following of rriuav ddlticua particulars of the horrible murder at Rush ville. The Union says that in the further developments there arc no extenuating circuui stances. On the contrary, it appears that the murder was planned weeks ago, and innstmas weex nad Deen decided upon as the time for its commission.
Wednesday morning Deputy Sheriff Phelps and Copt. C. H. Springer went to Rushville, for the purpose of arresting Joseph Fry, Claiborne Jenes, John Baggg and Wash Wells, the parties charged with the commission of the crime. On their arrival they learned that Fry had left town early ou Wednesday morning, saying that he was going DeKalb to surrender himself, and that the others were in town on Wednesday evening, but had ap parently left during the night.
From the best information obtained, it was thought they were hiding in thu hills in the vicinity. Somo of the citixens expressed themselves confident that they would surrender them selves to the Sheriff as soon as the Circuit Court is in session in St. Joseph, but this is mere supposition. In fact, the entire popu- I lation seemed leagued together to suppress all information regarding the men. The origin of the feud which resulted hue fatally was entirely political, the Hurst boys having formerly belonged to the 25th Missouri (Union) Infantay.
On Tuesday evening they were in Dixon's store, and one of them was slightly intoxicated, when the old trouble was renewed. But little was said, and they soon left the store, accompanied by Elijah Hurst, their brother. They were at once assaulted with stones, one of which felled Jackson to the ground, and at this jnncfnre joe rJ up an(j crughed hu skol, i Wuageon, at the same time inflicting a situ liar injury upon his brother St. Clair. The fermer died shortlr afterwards, and our in- formant states that St.
Clair must have died Thnrsdsy night. Elijah Hurst was included in the plot, and an attempt was made to kill hi but tIl(e niuraerer interrUppted in hls amble work, otherwise be might have been a tripple murderer. fry lives in Rushville, and about eiehteen months since married the daughter of a Mr. Hannann, who resides in De Kalb. He is iwentv-fmir bling, worthless fellow.
The Hursts were both married, and each had one child. They were from Iwenty-seven to thirty years of age, and resided near each other, some two miles north of Rushville. Claib Jones has for about a year been engaged ia hauling logs in the vicinity, boatd, powerful man. He is a large, raw- Boggs, Jones and Fry have heretofore figured in the criminal courts of Buchanan county. MURDER AT MIDXIGIIT I A MAX SHOT DEAD IX ST.
JOSEPH. Tlie Supposed Murderer Arreate. On Thursday night, between eleven and twelve o'clock, Michael Culligan was shot and almost instantly killed, on Seventh street, in St. Joseph. The Uniom say that the de- eeosed was eomin op Seventh street, from M11.v t- MMn.BT with Jiml norma.
wCJ1e -u. wcj wrnea uown a a. 1 a Messm street towards Sixth street, they met three men coming up. John Gorman had dropped back a few pace, bat was advancing towards the boHt when a pistol was fired M(, tho tbrea wllom tBeT Bel ately ran. He -followed one of them and struck him, but hearing Culligan cry out I'm ahot," ran to hm assistance and sup ported him into Morrissey's honse.near by.
The police were promptly on the track of the supposed murderers, and in a short time a man named Chapman, a baggageman on the Council Bluffs Railroad, and took him to the calaboose. TTp to one o'clock Fri ao otter arrests bad been made, The Cn, commenting en this mnrder. saysi Horrid murder stalks abroad citizens are abet down in the city and in the country. Four men have been killed ia this immediate vicinity during the last three days! What are we coming to? Where is the gallows, or some more swift and sure inatrmtaent to avenge deeds of bitted and terrify the wutk Mf At I A. THE LATEST NEWS tlecortedExprwsaLr for at Press SOATE.
Washington, February 4. The Vice President laid before the Senate .1. 1 resolutions of the recent meeting at Ooper Institute, sytupathizinp' with the poor people of Cuba, and asking that the; be accorded 111 it tee on reucrai natations, anu uruereu printed r. ci r'OQ tn 5 ti. 1 1 A.
iiorn monies aue 10 but otate wnicn mav oe in default ot payment ot interest on any oi its bonds beta in trust by tue t. nited states. An explanatory letter was read irom the Secretary of the Interior, when? the bill p.ipst without objection Xbe House bin abolishing Iran King was taken up. Mr. Sherman moved to amend the iirst article, section 3, by addiug a provision that nothing therein contained shall be construed to repeal or effect the free transmission by mails, of newspapers within twenty miles or the place of publication.
Mr. Ramsey thought the adoption of the amendment might retard the speedy pas sage ot the bill, by requiring its further con sideration by the House," Mr. Sherman believed tbe amendment would strengthen the measure among its friomlit in tho. ITnu ancl nrirerl its adnntinit Justice to the country paper, which culd not, in the matter Ot postage, Compete wth large dailies. And he thought it would be a gross injustice to charge small country papers, circulating in tneir snort distIlce th sttlne rate cf postaiTe paid bv lar-re dailies transmitted thousands of miles.
Mr. Willey sntreested au amendment to the bill to allow the free transmission in mails of newspapers and periodicals whose circulation does not exceed two At the expiration of the morning hour tue census bill came up in order but Mr. Conkling, who had it in charge gave way to Mr. Kamsev, who moved to continue the consideration of the bill for Ihe abolition of the franking privilege. The motion was de feated, a ess, 22 nays, SA.
Mr. Pomerov, from the Committee on Public Lands, reported without amendment a bill to amend the act granting lands. to the state of Kansas to aid in the construe tion of railroads On motion of Mr. Carpenter the resolu tion calling upon the President for information in relation to affairs in Georgia, was tekeufrom Washington, February 4 Mr. Slocuui rose to a question of priv ilege, railing the attention of the House to an advertisement in the New York Timet of the 2d of February, which he thought calculated to bring dishonor on the House.
The advertisement reads: U. S. Naval Academy. Vacant Cadet- ship. Address Congress, box 147, Timet office; also West Point He thought it one of the evils of the day, that to hold oftice was deemed dishonorable, an to have the name of politician was little better than to be called a rascal.
It was just such articles as that which brougli members of Congress, into disrepute. He therefore offered a resolution reciting the publication of the advertisement, and authorizing the Committee on Military Affairs to inquire as to whether any Mem ber of the House has ever sold or offered to use his influence as a member iu procur ing appointments to the Military or Naval Academy, and whether any member had received, or expressed willingness to re ceive, any valuable consideration for using his influence in consideration wilh such 1 appointments, with power to send for per sons or papers. Mr. Woodward expressed hopes that the resolution would be adopted. A lady of nigh respectability in his District had in formed him, just liefore he left home for Congress, that she had received a letter from a member of Congress offering to place her son at West Point Academy for 2,500.
He had asked her the name of the member, but she could not give it to him at that moment, but could furnish him tbe letter. She had not done so, however-or be i.i i i i i sw wtiuiu uave orougni. lurwaru a- proposition similar to that offered by the gentleman from New York. Mr. Wood remarked that he had recently seen an advertisement in a Philadelphia paper offering an appointment of that kind tor sale.
Mr. Stevens suggested that the resolution le modified so as to embrace members of the preceding Congress. It was so mod ilied. Mr. Jeuks suggested it be made also to apply to delegates.
That suggestion was also received. Mr. Schofie.ld said he had read in two papers, published in the Western part of t-ennsyivania, tnai some members of uon-grss, from that State, he believed, had sold one of those appointments for five hundred dollars. As a matter course, therefore, the whole delegation from Pennsylvania was anxious to have this investigation. Mr.
Washbume, of Wisconsin, said there would certainly be no objection to tbe resolution. Mr. Kelley, of Pennsylvania, referred to the same fact as stated by Mr. Schofield, adding that the editor of the paper seemed to have specific information on the subject. The resolution was adopted.
Madrid, February J. The notorious Carlist leader, Marcus Henuosea, recently sentenced to banishment for participation in tbe late Carlist insurrection, has escaped. He was on his way to tbe Port of Cadiz, in custody of a civil guard, and tue supposition is that the result of a collision, as the aM iiiiiist-ii uas uui sinee oeen rear- from. A dispatch has bf en received here from Bomliav. annonnein? that the Orout rlasteen WM nitrnalprl oft tho emit nf Muloli.r on .1.
CO.tSl OI Malabar, On tbe Zyih Ot January. 14 1 t1 nuiisou, February A terrible accident occurred this morn in nr. tho Knslnn A- A llnnv mile west of Clotham. A larce freieht I.t u'VZ- train, o-mnir henlrn lh. I eleven cars ran back down a heavy Trade, coming in collision with another freight train, piling mem up in a mass of ruins with the engine, instantly killing Miles Philips.
me tor.iiii tor, anu Charles Nprague an Henry Sibley. Firemen. John Seoath. brakeman, was seriously injured and Wn Booth, engineer, slightly. The cara were heavily load ad with valuable produce, which is mostly ruined.
The Coroner will bold an inquest to-day. Jetlerson City. hebruarv 3. The House bill appropriating $65,000 for tne state militia bas passe. St.
Louis, February 4. A roun? nhvsiciaa of Moberlv. Missouri 1 ri 11 i 1 1 uu-iuvu v. if ouuiaiisu, un ous luess Tlol here took a large dose of what he supposed "'gni auay neuralgia 1 1 1 pains, out wnicn proved to De morphine irom tneeneeuor wnicn ne died tbis morn Memphis, February 4. a a -1 i triMit.Pi, vn aw a a e-r- a- sv.
1 vvls) asajam WHItCsJ oTowino- out of a ouarrel. A man named Farmer shot and wounded a negro who had assaulted him, which, at one time," threat ened to involve the whole section in blood shed and strife, as the negroes who were armed foscibly took Farmer from the officers and threatened to burn the town sod kill him. A mesenger was despatched Columbus for assistance, fifty armed men returned on the train who arrested fifty- live neeroes, 1 be otners nea and at last accounts qtuet bad been restored. Home, pebrnarya. The Pope has announced that he will l.ra.M..
Ji.Altn. r.o.tinmala jus. trorersy respecting tne aoma 01 personal mlaJubiiity Jxiniion. 1 cljruary 4. It ia reported that the Viceroy of Egypt entere1 into an alliance wim ureece.
Terre Haute, February 4. The most intense excitement prevails in Clarke county, Illinois, in con sequence of discovery ot gold ea Big Ureea, about twenty miles from this city. A lately retained a miner cf eighteen years experience, has been lor soma days prospecting in the ravines along tbe creek, in every hand full of earth be has found o-iild in navinv onanlities. The people ofi that section are wild with gold mania, and I 2 1 40BY100 MILilN EXTENT Celebrated SeS' NORTHERN Schools and Ci, wr LAND atcijteOTi, BEISCOE G00DHEART KM BOOK BINDER, BUNK BOOK MANUFACTURER Parker's Block, Commercial Street, ATCHISON, KANSAS. AVISO PURCHASED A NKW AND COMPLETE BINDKRY Ihrougnonl.ann oi ui Turj Litest Imprufrd Style lacuintry, I am now prerared lo it rive ordera for all kir.d BLAIR BOOKS, rcgardlt-ea of atyhsaor quauiiij.
atiicli ill be manufactured from the heat materi' In the hight-et tllea of the art. In addition to ar entenaite BLANK BOOK MANTJF A TOR I am prepared lo do all ktuds of BlttdlUK la any ttjle desired. Paper Ruled to any Pattern ou the ihortcat not ire and at the loweat pricea. Civ ffif a Call and let the Work Speak for Itself addreaa RKI8COE GOOD HE ART, iiitv.f'wiy Atriiison, Kaiirna. Bryant Dealers in Hides, Tallow.
Wool, IPelts, and Fiiis. THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID IK CASH! Prompt Cash Remittance or full Prices on all Consignments. Atchison, Kansas, ft. t9. In 0 0 OF At Wendell's Book Store.
P. 8. I sell better rooda for lees money than any iUU Kinds of Graia Waiitea, -T- STEBBINS WHITE, tbe old aioaa waretwase oa the leree. awMlw-wtf TRBBLNS A WHITE. THK CKCBIT0B8 OF TUB EST AT at Of W.
Strattoa. aad others ialerestsd. ara aotiaed tkat shall apply ihe Dnirirt Court, Atcaisaa Coaaly, gaasaa, oa tk. ant day of the February tens thereof, D. 1870, or aa aaou thereafter aa tha appMcafJoa eaa Beard, a disciiaifre from By tram aa aasisBee of aid estate.
WA8HEK. irrigan Atchiaoa, Kaasas. Jaaaary IS, 183. frlaur tae.T sO. vrtt un -ft.
uia Maps, "A a LOW self be ft land Prtced Beeds B. XV House of O. ated atae BL anr Coart Kansas, A. ness edacatioa. The class in mane win ue taagnt 1 by Mrs.
Mary A. Riggs, a first class pianist and vo calist, who la also accastomea 10 teacn. Board A limited number of male pupils can find I ttoard In the familv of she Prlucinal at reasonable I rates. Chargex per Trrm, half quarterly ia adeance: All common Ow Higher KagtUa 10 0 Lancuaarea. feachl additional 3 Music.
Vocal or Instrumental, IH OO Instrumental Music, by lesson, twenty-four lessons, 12 No reduction oa account of abtenqa, except In casa of sickness. For all intormation apply to W.H. intxss.wa, (dim w-tfj Atchisoa, Kansas First National Bank, ATCHISON, KANSAS, Corner of Second and Commercial Street. Rncressnr to Stehhiua A Porter. Bankers.) 0P.f.udh,1wteSo Bnsiness.
recoirnisinc the fact that all traUction between the Bank aud iu patrons should be mutually AcoSStsof Correspondents and Depositors kept on the most favorable terms, couecuous win receive particular attention and remittouces promptly uia.ie. Practional Currency, Kickcl Coin aud Reveli 8tamps, furnished iu any amount iesired. unn.v in.ntf.1 mun n.vorame mi i. DAVID AtTLD, President. OEOROB SC'AEBOROL'litl, Vice l'l-eaiJent, J.
T. C0PIJS, Cashier. Dtrertors: Davis Aru, C. tl. r'osrta, Obobob Scarbosuugh, D.
C. Newcomb, llrircr Klu.v, II. II. Mooirus, Dr. J.
M. Lisley Solicitor and AVrfnry PuUie, C'ASSll'8 ti. Kostib. juae 21. 't7-wif- lVrkin Oriiiiii, StrrcESSOKS TO CAMPBELL at- SA'tioIcaale tand Ketail ElOCEHS, And Dealers in PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, Queens and Stoneware, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, South side Commercial, between 2d ami Ath, Atoliisoii.
Sam. v. iu.va the laresat. cheapest and best stock of ar tides in our lins ever brought to Kansas. We espe- I Tbe invite the attention ot country ueaiers.
cially highest market price paid for Country Produce. tiivs us a can, anu you win wi i deo-wtf JACOB LEU. WHOltSALI AND KITUl CALEB IS IB Tin Ware, Japan Ware, Sheet Iron, corPEn Etc, X3to. Noutli aide or ommrrrlsl fsirvn, BETWEEX THIRD AXD FOURTH, ATOHISOH. KANSAS jsfRepairiiig of all kinds done to order.
50 CTS. Got Stationery Package Containing 1 Quire Good Note Paper. lO Good Buff Envelopes. IO Good White Envelopes. 1 No.
2 A. W. Faber Pencil. 1 Good Pen Holder. Dozi.ii Good Pens, assorted.
Address, F.J.WENDELL, Book-Dealer and Stationer, Atchison, Kansas. ASong for tlxo XVXillloxx Corneal! you jolly farmers And listen to my song; Sit down awhile vonteuunl, I'll not detain you lung; Likewise you lovely Ladies Who wish to ride with ease Just call opou CLEM ROHK, I'm sure he you can please, fits harness are the strongest, And his collars the best fit, Tbe leather is all oak-tanned, Thestock of whips aud bits ciMiiplrts, His saddles ara thecheapest That's to be had iu town For neatness and for comfort Their equals can't be found. As to the other 'flxius" They're really hard to beat, For strength and durability None with them can compete. They're of tha best materials The country can afford. And made by as good workmen As are stood at a board.
His shop is on Commercial street, Next to Quigg's Grocery store, And iu the citv of Atchison. Jan28dAw6m By CLEMENTS ROHK Notice, TVTOTICB 18 HEREBY GIVEN TliAT THE COPAET ncnthip heretofore ex is tine between tbe oiitler- ijniet, under the firm same "of Smith Marbourc aad heretofore doing basinesa at Atchisoa, Kaaaaa, as dealer, in Hardware and Agricultural Implement-, is this day diaaolved by nntual consent. Ail debt doe to the late tirm will be a.d to the firm of Marbourg Ltea, onr su-ceeeorf, wito a ion are anrnonzert to eet- le ana collect tbe same; and all liabilities of said firm of Saiitb aid firm J. SMITH. W.
W. MARBOURG. An hieon, Kansas, January 11, 1370. Having disposed of bit interest In the firm of Smith A Marbourg. to Messrs farboargLea.audin retiring from the Hardware and Agricultural Imolrineirl bus? ness ia which I hare been engaged for the past twelve years ims city, a aaeennny scorn menu ine new firm to the eonniieiir udMiiMmr m.
ii.i f.i.n. and patrons, and the public generally, C.J. KKITU. Atchison, Kansas, January II, 1870. under the nam.
and style. of taarbourg.A Lea, for th. ineuuuersiKiieu nave rais oav lormeo aconanneriniD I trmnaaciioa ox geaertu uarawra aad Agriv'qltnral Implement fiusinesw, and haTing pnrciuaed tb stork and of Messrs Smith A Marbourg, w. respectfully solicit a continuance of Ihe natrons rrs heretofore extend ed the UM arm. W.
W. MAKBOUKU, JAMES U. LEA. Atchison. Kansas.
January H. 1870. iJanl3-dwAlal $200 ISEWAItI. rpHE ABOVE REWARD WILL BE PAID TO AST person that will give informatioa lhal will lead to the recovery of tbe body of Mrs. T.
If Meinhart.who disappeared from the residence of her husband oa the I 13tb.aiuat at 74 o'clock. P. M. and i supposed to have I an lieu nrseu in toe issoun river, sjne was about feet high, dark brawn hair, weighed 1U0 iha. and had oa a black ealiro ureas, biaca nn-akiast shawl.
slippers oa nrr leet. wore two gnia rings oa angers anu biaca hi ear-rings. T. tl. HCiailAKT.
Feb.Swim.J Atchison, Kansas. Notice of Publication. DWIN R. BROWS, WITO 19 A NOM-REKIHEKf, Is herebv notified that he has been sued in the I r. o.v r.
1 t. nauira, n. iiui iiute. ue epimr aiiu answer I lbs aaid petition filed against him, oa or before the i day of March, 1M7K, the aaid petitioa will b. I taaraaa true and judgment rendmvd accordingly.
I and the tax dsed oa tl- south-east 1-4. section ami, lOWB. IIA, s-B-utWUa AirnWW IXfOHlJ, ffa mH Stmt Sl bedKmred null and void for illegalHu. and he b. aebarrad from asttiug ap any fatorest or title in tbe P.
L. DL'BRARD, Plaintiff, Printers fee fc.50. y.bMI 1WS.J Dlsnolatloai. THE COPARTKER8II1P ERETOP0EE EXIOTISO between Wm. Bowman and J.
0. Hilton, ia the milling bastneas, is this day diaaotved by mutual eon sent, sitner parry ssinontM to settle accounts of tbe late arm tutu tbe 1st or Starrs, nrox. After that date, the books una in caargeof Mr. Bowman. WM.
BOWMAN, -1- J. a HILTON. CO-PARTJIEB8HIP. Tbe uudm sigaed Isav. this day fee used a ce-Hartiiee- stup uaoer tne sru name aeu styi.
01 nowmaa 1 1 ortav. tor sn nurtioa nt ftome ewwm miltine I 1 at tha Ferry Mills. WSf. BOWWAf. TUOe.
MUKPIIT. February 1, 187a Feb.liUt Notice or Final Settlement THE UKBERSKiH ADMfNfoTKATOB OP THE state of Gilbert Dooley, deceased, hereby gives notice re ail eoncernea that ne win nan application tue rrwsis v.ors wtvm wwu.y. hiiuai, v. I said the Probate Coart of AJchisoa County. Kansas, M.
W. EDWARIM. iFb3w4tl A dmiaastrator. Farm Tor Sale. arm rot till farm op Eionrr acres.
tt4 two miles north of Urenuda. in Brown Oountt. It is a rood stork fitrm. with running water npon it, and twenty acres of timber. particular inquire oa the place at 1 1 cb.
dwtl i 1 i 1 I i i I I i 1 I I to has the and wr ra.sr-a-- ret ana KailroacI umvx4" LAND University of Kansas, Xiawreuooi BIas. THIS IXSTITCTION NOW AFFORDS FULL FA ciiities for nrnsecatiDK retmUr nt fclct eonrse of study in the Sciences, Ancient aud Modern Lau guagas, Drawing, aud Music. Tbe collection of anoaratus haa latelv been larsvlv Increased by the addition of new and costly iustru mentH, which have been selected with special reference to extended and thorough instruction in Human Anatomy and Physiology, Laboratory Practice in Chemistry, Observatory Practice in Astronomy, and Office and Field Practice iu the Xatural Sciences, and iu oi rjaiig adii uuaeennc Tuition I Board can be procared in the city at as reasunaMa rates as at any otber place in tbe West. Student who desire it will find ample opimrtunity for boarding themselves. Tbe second session of the academic year 1869-70 le- glllM WEDNESDAY.
JANUARY 26. 1W0. The regular examinatum for admission will be held on tje 'J4th and 2atu of January, commencing eac! uay ai a. m. Ftvcatalognes and farther particular, apply to JOHN IRASfcR, President of the Universtty.
Lawrence, Kansas. fDer26dlwAwCw BOOK AGENTS WANTED FOR Mark Twain's New Book WITH 234 E.VGRAVIXtr.S. Tliv luuocenta Abroad Or, The New Pilgrims Progress. The nioet readable, enjoyable. Laughable, and populiii hook priutea lor years.
8 0 TOU WAST TO MARK MOSEY FASTER THAN edition of 2U.UIU sold in four weeks. New edition now ready. It is thoroughly recommended by the press, leading clergymen, aud most prominent men. No in-telligent person can read it without delight. One agent reports nicy in iwo oays, Liz sevne oays.
ureat iuaucements offered to Agents. Seud for cirjii- iar aud see our teims. Address, F. A. HUTCHINSON flc6w3in W502 North Sixth street, St.
Louis, Mo. A Book for the Million TwTAtJWTArLTII a private coin aVaS.sS..SA.Ba.sB4bsVt sBmS sellor to the Married, or those about to marry, GUIDE. on the nbvsioloffical -mvsreries ami revelations oj toe sexual svHtem. wit the latest discoveries in producing and preventing, uow 10 preserve me couipieiion, c. This is an interesting work sof two hundred an twenty-four paires, with nnmeruus engravings, and contains vamaoie intormation Tor those who contem plate marriage, still it is a book that ought to be kept unaer iocs, aua aey, sua no- iaia carelessly attout ti nouse.
Sent to any one (free of postage) for Fifty Cents Address, Dr. Butts Dispeusary, No. 12 North Fht street, oeiween mar net ana unestnut, NOTICKTOTHB AFPLICTK0 AD JirORTCTTATB. Before tuiplying to the notorious Quacks who adver tise in public papers, or nsinar any Onack Remedies. peruse Dr.
Butts' work.no matter what your disease is, or how deplorable your condition. Dr. Butts can be consulted, personally or by mail, on the diseases mentioned in his works. Office, No. 1Z North Eighth street, between Market ana unestnut.
Jan.ld&wly.J LOOK TO YOUR CIULIMIEY. The Great Soothing Remedy MRS, CnresColicandCripinginthe PRICK UUmXMUt'gV bowels, and racilitatea the- 25 SKUP. I process of teething. I CKNT9 MRS. aubluesConvulsionsaiidover- PRICK ju i ll scomesail disoases iucident to-f Si KLP.
I women and children. (CENTS 1 Cures Diarrhea, Bjsinfery, PRICE Hummer Complaint in 53 SYRUP. Children of all ages. It is the great Infants and Children's Soothing Rem- euy in an mwraers urougut on by leetbing. or any othercauso; Prepared by the Orafton Medicine 8t.
IsOois, Mo. roiu vy anu iwaiers in sememes every- wnere. Jan.lbawly TArVTrXTTnT? and others interestko AJAvxvuiH Patent itosiuess Bhould ad dress ED80N Patent Lawyers and Solii-itm-. 469 Ninth street, Washington, li-C, for advice and PATENTS OBTAINED, or no chanre. letter frem Hon.
D. P. Hoi Iowa v. former Coinmia. sfonerof Patents, dated Washington, D.C., March 30, "I cheerfully commend to alt erauns who have business in the Patent Office, the firm of Edfion Unn mm gentlemen of prompt business habits, and in every re.
lej, wurinj wi cwuKueiice. I concur in the above. Feb.4dAw3mJ T.C. TREAKER, Late Com. Pats.
TP VfiTl A NT to make a Dollar XT IUU O.L 1 Bottleof the best Hair Restorative ever used for restoringgrey hair toitsoriginnl cuior, seau i-ru i. ir a pacaage. IF YOU WANT.wrd send for onr Turkish DeatnBca, price 3 cants. Ti? VfiTT TXT XTT A sure cure for Headache, xx xvu iw xxxi Catarrh, Deafness, and iiuzzlng in the Ears, send for our Sternutatory. Price, reins.
fther of above sent post-paid, on receipt of prior. Address. JOSKPil K. L001IAR, 4.T1 Market street bt. Louis, Mo.
Jan.l5d&w)y A RAKE COLLECTION. OOWLAND 8 RKCKIPTS. Magie Arts, Discovert, umnmiuK tmuwmc uiiurmaiiou IOT everr body. Sent by mail, free of postage. foraO cents.
Address It. NuRMANbV, Mil Market street. St. ixmis, Jlo. Jan.lMAly.) nRAKE' COLLECTION of uearlrone hnndredrecines for makinic Brandy all kinds of Wine.Uin.Ale.
Im Cordials, Superior Cider, and much other useful infor mation ror those dealing iu or manufacturing any of tue aoove, eiwier lur ins iraue, or lor Dome Use. Sent by mail, free of postage, for 60 rsota. Address Mil Market slreet. 8t. Louis, Mo.
Jan.lJuUwly Publishers of music will consult their owa Interest. by subscribing to Fetibs' Mvsicai, Moxthlt. Ii is Issued on the ou the first of each month and gives all tbe latest and best Music, by such authors T3 MCJ as lUys, Kiu-keL Thomas. Xil al iljElO Bishon n.nk. Jiecui, rre.T, Aeller, ttr man.
etc. nufnner caiilalus; as least Tlr. Pieces of Kew and good Music, printed oa lino white paper, ana rrom inu-sise music plates, and sold at from 30 to 50 cents each, and all we ask for TrTTPaTf! A T. valaahlo Maganine is 31, rem. copy, 3 00 a year, $1.50 for six momus, aoti we garaniee 10 eveery yearly subscriber at least 432 pages of choice new music, by the best 1 iitii We do not expert Peter- Pay" ue MONTHLY M.gax!ne.l caasewegive too oiurhnia sic fur the maney.
It isisaaed simply to introriace oar new nnsic ro cne nrasicai worm, onr snnwribers in and play the mosic we give then. TlAr mnaical friends hear the moaic. FOR wemakeour prolit.Se. member every yearly subscriber gets, during the year at least 150 pieces of our best music, ail of which we afterward print lu sheet form, and sell for over SCO. It is published at tha mammoth Music Store of J.
L. Peters, Broadway, New Tork, where everything in the murtic line can be had. Ho matter bow small your order, it will be promptly attended to. Sample owner eaa ia tern at rttojlcs of au paper. (Jaal6-w3n0 TO TUB WORKING CLA8SvW are aow arepar.
4 to furnish ail elaaaea with constant eanproyn.ent at home, the whole of the rinse or for the spare to omenta. Baeineea new, light and pro6table. Persone of either sex easily earn from 50c to $6 per evening, and a proportional swu by devoting their whole tine to the business. Beys and fri rls cstb asmweh as saea. That all who see this notice may seed their edUress.
and test the Business, we saaiw una nnpsnitelea osisr: Taaaefaaa are not amtisfled. we wilt send $1 to pay for tbe trenble of writing. Full paHiciilara, a valaeble aassple, which wilt do to commence work e. and a copy of Th i-vapte Mjermry tian-Bnss ooe oi toe lOTgest and ess iamtiy Bewspapers pwDitssveai -n eent tree by snail, juaoer, yosj wans perwtaBeni. pron table work OctatVwSm Aagaeta Ifaiae.
Notice of Publication. ATHANIEL HUMPIIKKY, WHOSE RESIDENCE is unknown, is hereby notified that be has been sued by p. L. Hubbard iu the District Court af Atch t- soa County, Kansas, aad that aalasr aad answer said petitioa oa or bclors the loth day of surra, lsru. saia petitioa win be taken- as tn.
judgment readend accordingly, and a tax dead to kii yeane-num. aaa snenB a deed te William li- Wylie, tbe said Kathairiel Humphrey's aranton of th. north-west quartet section 20, 7, 1.. Atchisoa t-oanty, SLsnsss. aeeutrea nun ana votd lor illegaA- setling up any claim or interest ia th same.
wi om saia ue lorever aeoarrea irosi P. L.HIBBAED. Printer's tea. SjSl 1 KebSdl twit DUiBOlatlon. rplIE FIRM Of DESXISOX, BATOOOO A CO.
HAS beea dissolved by mataal consent. Wna. Hetbsnaatoa is autaorised to -eaUect tk. claims due to said late arm. Ail partma knowing tin nisi Ives iadebbm to Am said late arm are requested to make immediate paymsat Win.
Hetbenngtoa, at the Exeaaagu stoma. M. B. DENSTaOW. A.
W. HATttOOD, A. O. LEWIS. Atchisoa, Vshmarp lSSo.
(dltwjudj 10 to 1 For THE GREAT American Authoress Marion Harland, Whotw popular stori, "Alone," am," tc.t have plivcit hr at thu 'Xemciift," Head of American Authors, Una lieen epetiIly etiagrd, will, in the future, eoutriimt to the St. Louis Home Journal- Tbi chaniiiiig auUmrens will eommeu'-e br firat tory 1ft February. 1070, IttQHt rati tig lift In that purely lmmtie, delinative character which haa marked hr farmer prod notions, and which carried her book autiiled "Alrm" to the extraordinary amle of more Jhan xoo.ooo oonus! The lAihlisliers Ihe ST. LOUIS IIOMR JOURNAL offer to THE GREAT SOUTH AXD WEST The cheapent Brat-clas literary japer in America. Based npon a success scarcely equaled in any similar field of Literature, and determined to be excelled br none, they solicit au inSTiecti.m, But only of its well filled anil Artistically Illustrated Pages, But pat ron a ire which ita worth nt ronfitied to tha Great Uitslwtppi Valley alone, lint whererer enterprise should deserve succesa.
Xnw is the time to subscribe and get up cluha. Look af these Club Terms! Single MUbacHbern, ort Clubs of jo tin Clubs of Ten and one extra to getter up of Club, 17 U0 Clubs of Twenty, and one extra fo getter-up of Club a 00 Send money by lraft. Certified Check, or Post Offlre Order, and where none of these can be -had, send iu registered letters. "We are also paying very lare cash commissions to good, energetic Send for specimen number, and further information, to SHEFFIELD STOSE, Publishers, 421 North Sixth street, fit. Ixtula.
Mo. Janl5dlm. EVERYBODY LOOK AND READ. SF-RINU IS AT HAND, A'D NOW COHEri SPRING Work, and with it comes the Boa Fever. It is a known fact that bees pay, and TO MAKE THEM PAY Yoa wniit tonecure a gR)d, if not the bent and must convenient hive for their easy management.
Therefore be it Known That the mid reigned will and introduce Into this county this (reason, commencing early, THE AMERICAN BEE HIVE, (Imitation MarMe Fiuwh,) patented by II. A. King k. of New York, which 1 think, after tiding it, tu le one of the best, if not the best hive now in use. It is large aud convenient, haa au observation where yon can awe the bees at work.
Alto, has ln-iuty boxed, Ac, Ac. It in certainly a complete hive. Before buying any other, I would hug the public to examine the American Hive. Now. think upon it aud be ready, for you will '(.
me coming with the Spotted Hive, anil I will be pure to give you a call, whether you have any I ur not, tori have them to sell. 1 6m having a Quen imported, direct from Italy, via New York City, (only cost and I intend to tshow the best and purest bees in Kansas. The public is 'invited to call and see them. As this is my business, I am prepared to clianpn or transfer Bees from the box into the American I live, introduce Queens, and aaythmg else that comes iu the line of Beehusine. All I ask is to examine the Americau Hive hi; fore yon pnrchase.
My Apiary is one mile east of Parmiugloii, ur two and a-half miles north of Pardee. HIRAM J. WARD, Fartuiugfou, Atchison, Kansas. i.Keb. -rwtf, ARRANGEMENTS, MUSCOTAH.
KANSAS. Tske pleasure in announcing to the people of Muscn. tah and vicjtity that they have ust purcliaiwd a EULL ASSORTMENT Or Desirable Dry Goods BOOTS, SHOES, ETC, ETC. And are ready to receivo calls fj-om their friends, as they feci certain they can give ENTIRE SATISFACTION As to prices, quality and rariety of their goods. Produce token fa eaehange for gooHt.
J. OREKN BHO. Muscotah. Nut. 16.
lgcs. wtr Klanhood IIoiv Lost, How Restored. JUST PUBLISHED. A NEW EDIIOXT or w. C'nlTerwelieCeleprated Essay on the Radical Cure.
without ness. Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotencv. Mental and Physical incapacity. Impediments to Marriage, also CouuuptioB, epilepsy aud fits, induced by indulgence or sexual extravagance. 4-Price, in sealed envelope, only 6 cents.
The celebrated author in this admirable easay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abas may radically cured sritbout the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife point-ins: out a made of cure at once Minir lM rt im rmrnAHHTDin. or neminiki hmi. effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what bis condition may be, mav cure himselr cheaply privately and radically. -Sar-ThiS lecture should be in the hands of youth and everv man in the laud. feen.
under seat, in a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid, on receipt of of six rents, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell's Uuute," price 25 cents. Address the Publishers, CUM. Vi.
KL1.VK A 127 Bowery, New York, Pust-Omca Box rXov2ii Ciarden, Fruit, Herb, Tree, Sis rub and Evergreen Seeds, tvitli Direc tions for culture, prepaid by mall. The most complete and Judicious Assortment in the J9country; Asnts Wanted.i 35 sorts of either tl 00, prepaid by mail. Also small rraita, rtaata, nutos, all tbe new roiatoas, prepaid by matt. 4 poaaas Early Knee Potato prepaid tot OO. Coys at a Cotossai Asparagus.
$3 in use hundred; $2o uer tboosaad, prepaid. Hw hardy fra-graat evrr-bioominc Japan HimeysackJe, aitcenu each, crenaid. True Case Coil Cranberrr. for upland aad low culture. $1 on per prepaid, with ajreetiotts- Catalogue, te any adlres, free; also trade list.
oa commwHm. M. WATlJOJi, Md Colony Nurseries and Seed Warehouse. Plymoath, Mass. EsraMishesl in ISM.
iDeciwaas SheriftPs Sale. XJOTICB 18 T1ERKT THAT I WILL OFFER Cm- sale at public aactus, at the door of the Court ia Uls citv of Atchiaoa, Atcaiaoa eoanty, State Kansas, oa Wednesday, the 23d day of February, A. 1STO, between the hoars of one aad era rtotk. p. of aaid day.
the fbliowias- described nroperty. situ ia Pardee, Atchisoa county. 8tata of Kansas. t-wit: Ail of bmck number afty-eight. aad mc uamber ia block number thirty-fbar; aad also all of block umber fortv-aine.
ia the Town of Pardee. Atchison county. State af Kansas, taken as tha nroperty of M. mcswajss and Elara cawasss, aa aa oruer af aaie ia of Caleb Mar. iarasd by the Clerk of the Metric wnaia aad for the coaary of Atchisoa, Stat af aad to ass directed a Sheriff of said county.
Uiven aader say kana thai ista any o( January B.1870. JAS- P. BUTCHER. 8bertff at" Attkmoa, Kasmu. Priatsr's is, ti-fsa watdj to uw kiuk" in the church collection business has been developed in the East.
Instead of following the old plan of sending a sedale.solemn-faoed de eon or trustee around with the plate, they send the youngest, prettiest, most winsome sister in Ihe congregation, who makes the tight-fisted friends or the heathen come down with the dust in beautiful style. J. M. L. II.
Carr sold yesterday to Maj. Downs, set of harness and bridle of very superior finish and workmanship, and have an elegant slock of good of equal finish and quality still in store- The keep on band a general assort menl of ail goods in the saddle and harness im. tlwir stock. Store room on Commer- nono. .1 worth .1 1.
.1. 1 .1 I nnwi in miia ahu iihkac o.m.w rial street, Between Bide,.