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- Publication:
- Muskogee Daily Phoenix and Times-Democrati
- Location:
- Muskogee, Oklahoma
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PAGE Mugktrjjee jpoiig phoenix WEDNESDAY MORNING EBRUARY IB ON DEBATE TOUR OR PROMINENT WOMAN DISMISSALS BY WPA HURT PEN ETRO 5' A ten each for NEW SPRING NEW SPRING CURTAINS MUSLIN ABRICS Pairs HAG RUGS lour Sacks BEDSPREADS 30 1NCH SUNBEAM SUITING BALL RINGE Dress Shirts COME EARLY OR BEST CHOICE NEW TIES ONI Id MUSKOCEEOKLA DRY GOODS SHOES DEADY TO WEAR $19354 PAID GUARDSMEN WITHIN MUSKOGEE REGION Large ball fringe Cream only 20 yards JUDGE BELEW REPORTED IMPROVED AT HOSPITAL Large alia axtra quality bleached flour saoks for CLOSEOUT All old etook costume Jewelry Regular $100 now AR Wanted All Seasonal Coiorg Mrs Marshall Douglas 58 or mer County Tag Agent Strick en Suddenly at Her Home No 00 cloth gold Bleachedpedal 8 yards 81 109 well sheets quality James Shouse above son of Mr and Mrs Shouse of 315 North Twelfth street a freshman at Westminster college ulton Mo will be the junior member of a de bating team which Thursday will begin an extended 1100 mlle tour through' Oklahoma It was learned here yesterday Shouse active in forensic work already has met teams at Tahlequah Pittsburg Kan Kirksville Mo and Elsca Ill He is a member of the Philo logic literary society oldest organ ization of its kind west of the Mis sissippi 24 48 rag rugs Assorted colors 4 for Big assortment solid colon ideal for quilts and children' dresses 4 yards New Spring GLOVES 72 108 Pepperell shoots Long wearing Size 4 Only Genuine Hope bleached muslin 10 yards Annual Radio Program Of VWt Organization Is Scheduled Tonight iEBRUARY RELIE UND OR COUNTY IS HALVED Special Sale Cookie Jars Now assortment reg ular 66e four In hend tfo (Men's)pedal Me 2 for 80 equi od Advi tie 10 COLD RELIE HINT TO MOTHER Ideal Chambray lnch plain blue7 and gray Ideal chambray yards 100 Every Pair Different 80 105 Cotton Rip ple Spreads All col ors Regular 79c value 2 for ive Casserole 8ofe ive I Waffle 8ots Choice WAVECREST AND A Tidbit prints Big new seise tion Bright spring colors 69o value 2 yards 98 pair Now shipment ruffled and tailor ed curtains Alee cottage sots mar quisette and voiles Cream rod blue and groan former commissioner who resigned December 81 because he said list night of illness declared tjat the pe tition was misrepresented to some signers He said ho had affidavits of some who said they had signed be cause they believed the probe would be centered around WBA activities Gordon la Roslaoted Gordon declared that the Investiga tion was being urged by political op ponCnts who sought to unseat him He was reelected last November for an other term which will begin In July When he resigned his wife losslt Gordon wee appointed to hla place on the board of commissioners DlStHct Jtidge Vornor assured that the Investigation would be Into any report of a law violation In Adair county rom the venire of 24 he said 12 jurors would be selected Ho will give them Instructions if a jury la called and will ask anyone who his heard of a law Violation to report 'it to either himself the state attorney general or Adair county attorney Will Have ree Rain grand jury will have free rein to Investigate anything it wishes to do so ih tho he said Any re port of irregularities In public offices A sudden heart attack proved fatal' early yesterday to Mrs Marshall Douglas 58 former Muskogee cotinty tag agent and prominent Muskogee woman Mrs Douglas who had been slight ly ill the night before died unexpect edly at her home 810 South Seventh street following an unexpected heart attack Tuesday morning Her husband who twice held the position of county tag agent In 1928 and 1035 died In May 1936 Mrs Douglas was appointed tag agent In 1937 and held the position for a year Tho fatnlly moved' here from Ben tonville Ark In 1928 where Mr Douglas had been a member of the Benton County Hardware Co He con tinued wlththa firm after first mov ing here servhig as vice president Later ho became" tag agent and for a while was connected with a life In surance company uneral arrangements had not been completed last night ponding arrival of a son from Kansas City Arrange ments will be announced by Gulpci funeral home It was indicated burial SAMPLE SHOES AH Heel IMghis Open And Closed Open and Closed and SENIOR 8COUT8 ELECT ri Senior' Girl Scouts at West High school elected officers Monday rances Gray was nnmed president Betty Anh Dlckmann vice president' and Charlene Kile secretary Mrs John Bond is leader of the group The girls plan to visit tho new camp site near Okay ebruary 25 and cook their noonday meal out 'The Muskogee county relief situa already made drastic by the recent dismissal of WPA grew blacker yesterday with the an nouncement that the county's eb ruary relief fund allowance had beencut In half Cavanagh county admin istrator pored over his cnse files to pick out the most de servlng of the approximately 2200 'families on relief In tho county to Whom checks will bo distributed Tho county administrator announced that the ebruary allowance was81213 It has been around T2B0Q 1 have to take care of the old sick and crippled ho said "It will take us until late next work to pick out tho most urgent cases Then we'll start distributing the 1 Some clients who have been re ceiving relief checks will have to be out out entirely this monthhe said Others will have to be cut down "The situation wns made worse" Cavanagh declared "with the recent 'retrenchment In the That caus ed about 300 new cases to be Added to our rolls" Cavanagh pointed out that the 2200 figure was the number of families "We're really taking care of some thing like 8000 to 10000 persons "Another thing that has made It bad for he said "Is tjm old ago problem Wo have many persons In the county who are entitled to old age assistance "They get their pensions though because they can't prove their ages" 'he declared Cavanagh said that the money his office hns received probably will be 7 ready for Sat urday The eighth annual Amerlcn" radio liour rKrllng'at 8 o'clock to night will broadcast for the nation an elaborate program which will be attended by posts of the Veterans Of oreign Wars here and every where The announcement wns made here by 'Walker commander of the Yank Tipton post 474 It will originate at a banquet In Boston In honor of Eugene Van Ant werp commander In chief of the VW and Mrs Anna Mae Lochner president of the VW ladies' aux iliary During the hour the national commander will administer the oath to approximately 25000 new mem bers throughout the land who will bo assembled in their respective club rooms Addresses of the commander in chief Mrs Lochner Sen Bennett Champ Clark of Missouri Leverett SaltonstalL governor of Massachu setts and Maurice Tobin mayor of Boston will be broadcast Dance tunes and military music will be contributed to the program by the band of Warren Ohio national VW cham pion Lou Breese and his orchestra playing at Chez Baree night club In Chicago Larry Clinton andhisor chffltrnr'piayTng at the "Meadowbrook country club Cedar Grove and Gray Gordon and his bond playing at the Hotel Edison New York Cavanagh Studies Case iles to Pick Most Needy for Distri bution of $1213 eeelaf purohaee Men's Press Shirts Wsv Broadcloth and Che mbrays Regular 3166 New WEDNESDAY ONE DAY ONLY Every mother wants to know how to relieve her child's cold dis comfort Hub with stainless snow white Penetro Extra medicatef vapors tend to re lleve congestion of respiratory mucoils mem brane Penetre eases tho chest muscle tightness Regular $696 and $796 would be in the family cemetery near Bentonville Ark Survivors include ttoo sofas Wil liam of the home and Vol Kansas City Mo five sisters Mrs A Beck Iola Kan Mrs Noel Arring ton Paris Texas Mrs Blake Okmulgee Mrs Marshall Boone Jr Marion Ark and Mrs Rife Bentonville Ark and a brother Charles Wyman Bentonville Capt A Barnard of Muskogee said yesterday that national guards men in the 180th Infantry In 15 towns in eastern Oklahoma had been paid 819364 during the few days for drills In November December and January Captain Barhard said he delivered checks in Muskogee Chllocco Tulsa Wagoner Tahlequah Boynton Eu faula McAlester Allen Tishomingo Durant Hugo Idabel and Okemah Muskogee guardsmen received 8394762 THREE LICENSES ISSUED Three marriage licenses Including one issued to George Palmer Procter 22 son of CL Procter Muskogee theater operator to marry Miss Helen rances Cox 22 of Muskogee were Issued here yesterday The other two were to ord 24 of Bt Paul Mlnn to wed Allce Botz 24 of Mus kogee and to Cochran 30 of Tulsa to marry Norma Young 19 also ef Tulsa GOWNS PAJAMAS flannelette gowns nd pajamas All colors All sites $100 values Lyndon end Mooee Hoad 1 color suitings Regular 29s values 4 yards SLUB BROADCLOTH Complete color range solid Adfdp Afub bpoidfifAthj Riflua 29g ind flOda 4 yards HOSIERY Now shipment "Lsrfc wooiM and atocklnge 3 end 4 throede Slightly Irreguler of 70s tfuality Special 2 Pain or any violation of the law win be probed 1 irst talk of a grand jury 'began after a state auditor it stld Ito have reported a shortage in highway funds after spending three wbeks here check ing expenditures Besides Gordon and McQuiston Alec Tlndle a republican is a mem ber bt the board The examiner's office had admittedit was said that the findings revealed Irregularities and possible shortages but refused to discuss amounts We Carry a Complete Line BUTTERICK AND SIMPLICITY PATTERNS LunchT Cloths 60 60 hand blocked I hclothe Good as sortment Special 2 for ABC PIQUE ABC Tulare pique Big aeeortmont solid fieM colors Regular 69c 2 yards 66 60 Pride brown do meetic 36 Inch 12 yards Printed Pique New selection print od piques and pod line Rog I a 29o value 4 yards 36 in Indian Head 6 yds BE CRINKLECREPE Windsor Washenredy Crinkle Crepe Good 8 TOWELS barber towels Good quality Special 16 for Charges of Are Hurled By Adair County Officials in Row Judge Vernor Prepares to Exam 1 asking a probe Into all county efffices ine Petition Bearing 200 Sig On the other hand Ora Gordon BATISTE GOWNS 4And hand 'made ba tlete n'a I look Nice length tie belt Regular sizes 2 for PERUME In Pa I Perfume Regular $110 elze Special PANTIES ine quality Trlquetripe and Trlque suede rayon pantiesnd briefs 2 for PANTIES rayon pan ties and briefs Tail ored and lace trims Special 3 for Cleanelng Tissue Anne Windsor Cleansing tioous 149 ohooto Regular 23e Vfluo Spool st sexes natures for Grand Jury SmcIsI to the riioenlx STILWELL eb Chargee that politics is the reason for a request for a grand jury Investigation Into pur ported shortages In Adair county high way funds flared tonight on the eve of Dlstgict Judge Elnloe arrival hero to look Into A petition demanding a probe Meanwhile in Muskogee today Judge Vernor said he had been hear Ing complaints of Irregularities in Adair county for some time and said he would check the 200 signatures on the petition Immediately after arriv ing here 1n morning to aee' lf they were qualified Would Act Immediately Me declared that ho would Instruct the Adair county court clerk and sheriff to seleet a 24 im mediately If 100 of the signatures wore qualified They must bo taxpaying citizens of Adair county While the demands for an investiga tion Were said to center In purported shortages Jn highway funds John McQulston Westville commissioner said the signers in his district wore1 DO YOU WEAR SIZE 4B Then Mias This Special Selling of New Spring and Summer COSTUME JEWELRY Just arrived Beautiful now assort ment necklaces pine oar bobs etc BROADCLOTH Beautiful aedortment printed 1slub broadcloth' Regular 39c valuo 3 yards SKIRTS Black satin dirndl akirt Suspender top Regular $100 Spe cial 2 fcr Condition of District Judge Ben Belew of Stigler seriously ill In Bap tist hospital here for several days was described by hobpltal attendants last night as rapidly Improving They did not Indicate however when he might be dismissed Judge Belew had been scheduled to preside in district court here today In a hearing on the long pending Anthis estate Redmen from bacone WILL SING AT NtSTC The Bacons college singing Red men will present a program of 10 numbers this morning at the 10 o'clock chapel service' of the North eastern State Teachers college at Tahlequah it was announced labt night The chorus will be accompanied at the piano by Mrs Weeks and will be led by Dean Dolan WK GIVE GREEN STAMPS RuquseR WE GIVES AH GREEN STAMPS Beautiful fabrics COATS un ifrt tpring A A etyiw Broken sizes NW SpHllg ormer values to $796 Closeout RAGG Sleepers Largo dseorihiont patents dull calf and fabrics Nevslty trims All now Ivanhoe knit sleep colors ere Good augllty erw grf nrrw value Spoolel 2 for ss alKssb 1 An vrfMi I $1 1 S1 1 $1 2 for $1 irs uisacn a of Sp MOD S1 $1 $1 9 1 lia 4 1 S1 $1 S1 1 S1 1 1 1.
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- Years Available:
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