cabin tempus - eclipse_dawn - Criminal Minds (US TV) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Chapter Text

The mountains of Appalachia are some of the oldest mountains on the planet. They are dense, treacherous, and green. But within those mountains were pathways, and little bits of paradise. Down a long dirt road, in the middle of nowhere within the mountains, a large cabin, McDaniels Cabin, was set on the edge of a lake. It was built in the late 1950s by a family who wanted to live off the land. It was left abandoned until it was found in 1986, which was converted to an old vacation spot. Since then, a few groups of people have gone to the cabin. No one knows what happened to McDaniels family, as they were never heard from again once they moved in…

“Reid, that’s such bullsh*t and you know it.” Derek Morgan said, snatching the brochure out of his hand to look at the text himself.

Spencer Reid, flustered, grabbed it back from Morgan’s grip. “Hey, I’m just reading what's there! Plus, ghost stories are fun!”

Elle, seated next to Spencer and Morgan in the back seat, chuckled at the sight of the grown men bickering like little boys who were arguing over a toy. “You’re seriously going to believe that bullsh*t? C’mon Reid…” she teased.

Spencer nudged her in the bicep lightly. “Hey, it's fun! I might have a high IQ, but I think ghosts are a fun possibility!”

Elle looked out the window next to her, watching the trees zip by on the side of the road. "It'll take a lot more than ghosts to rattle me."

“What’s it going to take you, Greenaway? We fight serial killers all the time.” Emily Prentiss, from the passenger seat, chimes in. Emily’s eyes flicker with a playful energy she came to the BAU with.

Elle smirked, "Oh, Prentiss, don't you know? Serial killers are just misunderstood individuals."

David Rossi, the driver of this vehicle, let out a chuckle. “Misunderstood" is definitely an understatement. They need to be held accountable.”

“Misunderstood my ass.” Derek mumbled under his breath, causing Emily to laugh.

Elle shrugged, "Accountability is a matter of perspective, don't you think, Rossi?”

Rossi chuckled again, this time a little deeper and more genuine. "Oh, Greenaway, you and your perspectives. You always push the envelope.You sure you're not the misunderstood one around here?"

An uncomfortable silence filled the car. Elle’s stomach dropped at the question, knowing that there was a loaded answer to said question. Spencer and Morgan shared knowing glances, and Prentiss shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Rossi was not given the full story on what happened with Elle before he got there. Elle bit her lip, her vision going back to the window, pulling at the long sleeves of her shirt. “I suppose.”

The car was quiet for a moment before Spencer cut the silence, looking at the brochure. “Uh, the McDaniels family consisted of husband and wife, Harold and Clara, and three kids Doris, Charlie, and Daisy…”

Elle heard Spencer’s voice become muffled, as she canceled out everything going on around her. She leaned her head on the window watching the trees zip by. Shooting that rapist really put a huge dent in her reputation at the FBI, and rumors flew about her and her impatience as she shot a man in cold blood. He wasn’t an innocent man however, but a rapist who got off too easy and threatened to rape again. Elle fidgeted with her top button of her shirt, grazing the scar she received a few months prior. Getting shot in her own home, and her near death experience really did a lot of damage to her self esteem. Two big events in her career back to back did a number on her, and she was still trying to come to terms with it.

Elle glanced at Emily, who was supposed to be her replacement, but in a last minute decision, they decided to keep Elle around as well as Emily. Elle also decided to stay, as much as she didn’t want to. She felt like it was best for her to do so. What else did she have? Emily felt Elle's gaze upon her and turned, giving her a half smile. Elle turned back towards the window. This weeklong trip was going to be interesting.

In the second car, Jason Gideon, Aaron Hotchner, Penelope Garcia, and Jennifer “JJ” Jareau were driving behind the first group. Their trip to the cabin was quite fun, with Penelope being put in control of the music, much to Gideon’s chagrin.

"Garcia, I swear to God, if you play that Taylor Swift song one more time..." Gideon mutters, annoyance seeping through his voice.

JJ smirked playfully from the back seat next to him. “C’mon, it’s not that bad! It’s not Mozart, but it is fun!”

Penelope, in the passenger seat, was dancing in her seat. “But sir, Taylor Swift has a grip on the youths of today!”

Hotch chuckled from the driver’s seat. “Give it a chance Gideon, it's fun!”

“I’ve been giving it a chance for nearly two hours.” the oldest member of the team grumbled.

JJ laughed, joining in on the teasing. "I can't believe you survived two hours of Tay Tay and didn't burst into flames. You're a stronger man than I thought."

Hotch chuckled. “No worries, Jason. We are almost there. I think it’s just around this corner yet…”

As they turned the corner, a gravel driveway appeared before them. At the end of it, a large and quaint cabin stood against the mountains. It was nestled in a small clearing in the woods, giving it privacy amongst the trees. A huge lake sat alongside it with a couple kayaks sitting next to it, tied fast to the posts. A thick dense forest surrounded them, in which around 100 acres were completely theirs to explore. ​​"Wow," JJ marveled as they pulled to a stop behind the first car. "This is quite a place."

Garcia looked at her phone, while everyone started piling out. “Shoot. No signal.”

Hotch smirked. “Exactly.”

Spencer, who was standing nearby, spoke up. "It'll be nice not being reachable for a few days. We can truly disconnect and focus on team building."

Spencer was right, as Gideon, Hotch, and Rossi had planned a week in the woods this way. They wanted to use this opportunity to force the team to bond. Hotch and Gideon had more of a plan to keep an eye on which members that they needed to keep their eye on more. With the incident with Elle, Spencer’s new rebellious streak, and newcomer Emily, they wanted to make sure they could really work together when they were out on the field.

Penelope pouted, "No internet though? How will we survive?"

Gideon walked over to the trunk of Rossi's car, opening it to reveal all the supplies for their stay. "Don't worry, we'll be too busy to miss the internet."

The group gets to work, gathering their bags and the supplies for the week, slowly making their way to the cabin. As they approached, the team couldn’t help but notice the rustic charm exuded. The large wrap-around wood porch had a few chairs and benches along it, making plenty of sitting room with the large group. Entering the cabin proved to be just as charming, with the wooden design lingering all throughout the cabin. A staircase faced the front door, and rooms ran along each side featuring long hallways.

They entered the main living area, a large space with a few couches and a large fireplace. A small kitchen lay to the side, equipped with all the essentials they would need to cook a meal. The walls were adorned with various hunting trophies, adding to the cabin's rustic charm. Alongside with the kitchen a dining room big enough for all of them and a study, where Gideon decided to set up a base for himself. The group met back into the living room on the couches. Hotch stood in front of all of them.

“Okay, so we have set up where we are all going to be sleeping for the week. Penelope, JJ, you will be in Daisy’s room.”

Penelope and JJ high-fived, excited to be placed together. Hotch continued. “Spencer and Morgan, you will be in Charlie’s room,” The boys nodded at each other before Hotch continued again. “Elle and Emily, you will be in Doris’ room while me and Rossi will be in the main bedroom.”

Elle leaned over to Emily, a smirk on her face. "Looks like we're stuck with each other."

Emily smiled back, looking a little nervous. "Guess so. Hopefully we don't drive each other crazy."

Gideon cleared his throat, gaining the team’s attention. “Alright, we have some ground rules for the week that we need to go over.” Hotch nodded in agreement, motioning for Gideon to continue.

“Rule number one,” Gideon began, “No cases. No discussing work, no reviewing files or doing research on the case we just finished. This week is about team building and bonding. I don’t want to hear anything about the FBI for the next seven days.”

“Rule number two,” Gideon continued, “No communication with the outside world. I don’t want to hear any complaints about the lack of cell service or internet access. This week is about disconnecting from the world and focusing on each other. We are all here to work on team dynamics and trust.”

“Rule number three,” Rossi spoke up, a twinkle in his eye. “Have fun. This place is huge. There are kayaks by the lake, plenty of hiking trails in the surrounding woods, and we have a fully stocked kitchen. Take advantage of this time and enjoy yourselves.”

“And lastly,” Hotch began, “Rule number four. We are all working professionals and I expect all of us to act as such. That means no arguing, no petty fights, and no bringing up old baggage. We are all here to support each other and work as a team. Deal?”

Elle felt a couple pairs of eyes glance towards her, before looking away. Spencer watched as Elle fidgeted with her sleeves. He knew firsthand how some of the team still felt about her after the incident back in Dayton. He couldn’t help but feel a pang of protectiveness towards her, but he also knew that she could handle herself.

Hotch cleared his throat, hoping to move past the tension. "Any questions before we get started?"

The team shook their heads, but there was still a sense of unease in the air. Hotch nodded. "Alright then. You're all dismissed. Get settled in and get comfortable. We'll regroup for dinner tonight."

The team dispersed, heading up stairs to the bedrooms. Elle followed Emily down the hallway to their assigned room, Doris' room. As they entered the room, Elle surveyed the room, taking in the rustic charm of the decor. Emily dropped her bag on the bed nearest the wall and began to unpack her belongings, placing them neatly in the dresser drawer and closet. Elle took her time, walking around the room and admiring the details. The bed had a warm, handmade quilt on it and the furniture was made of polished wood. Elle noticed a small bookshelf with different genres neatly set in order. Elle grabbed one, flipping through it. She could feel Emily staring at her from a distance. Emily finally got the courage to break the silence. “I guess we’re roommates for the week. That should be fun.”

Elle pulled her eyes away from the romance novel, shutting in. “Yeah, I’m excited. It’s definitely different compared to my apartment in DC.”

Emily walked over to stand next to Elle. "You're a fan of romance novels? Wasn't expecting that."

Elle shrugged, putting the book back on the shelf. “Not really. I’m more of a thriller girl, but I don’t really get to read that much anymore. Plus, with the work we do, nothing is too thrilling anymore.”

"I feel you,” Emily replied. “When we're dealing with the worst of humanity every day, a sappy romance novel can be a nice escape."

Elle chuckled in agreement. "Yeah, for sure. Maybe I'll start reading more rom-coms. At least they have happy endings."

Elle took a seat on the edge of the bed, bouncing up and down slightly to test the firmness of the mattress. She could get used to this, especially after the past year she’s had. Emily went back to working on putting her stuff away, and Elle observed her. Emily was really sweet, having a fun sense of humor, and a headstrong attitude. As Emily continued tidying up, Elle got up and moved over to the window, looking out at the trees surrounding the cabin. It was picturesque scenery, with the soft sunlight filtering through the leaves. A soft breeze blew through the curtains, cutting through the heat of summer. “Did you bring your bathing suit?” Emily asked.

Elle looked over at her bag, knowing her bathing suit was packed at the very bottom of it, unsure if it would be used. “Yeah.”

"Good," Emily said with a grin. "We should go for a swim in the lake tomorrow, it looks like perfect swimming weather."

Elle laid on her bed, absentmindedly raising her hand to her chest where her scar remained underneath her shirt. She wasn't sure if she was really to show off her body in a bikini just yet. She looked to Emily, who was finishing putting her stuff away. Emily noticed how Elle was playing with the collar of her shirt, her fingers tracing the edge of what seemed to be a scar hidden underneath. Emily didn't comment on it, but she couldn't help but wonder what it was from.

Dinner time came around about an hour later, and the team members filed down the stairs into the dinning room, where Rossi was in the midst of placing food on the table. The team took their seats around the long dining table, eagerly awaiting the delicious meal awaiting them. Hotch, Gideon, Morgan, Reid, and Rossi sat at one end of the table, while JJ, Penelope, Emily and Elle sat at the other. "Dig in, everyone. I tried my best to make something tasty with what we were able to get out here in the middle of bumf*ck nowhere." Rossi declared, a pride radiating from him.

The food was delicious and a hot topic of conversation at the table. There was chattering amongst the team, with laughter and clinking ringing through the air. Elle was sitting between Reid and Emily, stealing glances on occasion with the both of them. Emily seemed like someone who was easy to get along with and had a good sense of humor, which was refreshing for Elle. Reid, on the other hand, was noticeably quieter than usual. He mostly focussed on the food in front of him, occasionally making a comment here and there. However, Elle had noticed that he kept shooting her glances out of the corner of his eye.

Emily, too, had noticed Reid and Elle's subtle interaction. Her eyes flickered between the two of them as she ate, an amused smirk playing on her lips. As the team continued their conversation, the meal slowly started to wind down. Plates were cleared, bellies were full, and all that remained was a lingering feeling of satisfaction and camaraderie among the agents. They soon started getting up, Gideon and Rossi remaining to do dishes. Elle wanted to talk to Spencer until Emily grabbed her hand. “Let’s go on the porch! I wanna see the stars!”

Elle quickly tagged along, looking back to Spencer momentarily before going outside. The cool night air hit her, and she snuggled more into the thick sweatshirt she was currently wearing. Elle stood on the edge of the porch, looking at the lake, seeing the moonlight reflecting off the water. The sky was mostly clear of clouds, showing off a blanket of stars above. Elle heard a flick of a lighter, and turned to Emily next to her lighting a cigarette. Emily took a drag of the fresh cigarette, exhaling slowly. The smoke mixed with the night air, curling slowly upwards towards the sky like a ghost. She looked over at Elle, a small smile on her lips. "Want one?" She offered, holding up the packet of cigarettes in her hand.

Elle considered for a moment, before taking one for herself. Emily helped her light it, using her hand to mask the slight breeze. Elle took a small drag on the cigarette, coughing slightly as she inhaled the bitter smoke. She hadn't smoked in a long time, and it took her a moment to remember the sensation.

Emily chuckled softly next to her. “Sorry, I should have warned you. Marlboro Reds are pretty strong.”

"Yeah, you could say that again," she croaked, trying to clear her throat. "I haven't smoked in years. I forgot how harsh they can be." Elle looked over at Emily, a smirk tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Are you trying to kill me?"

Emily chuckled at Elle's comment, taking another puff of her cigarette. "Nah, I just thought you looked like you could use a little relaxation." She took another drag, exhaling slowly before speaking again. "You know, you're not half bad, Greenaway," Emily said, a hint of teasing in her voice.

"I could say the same for you, Prentiss," she said with a smirk.

Emily let out another chuckle, enjoying the playful banter between the two of them. She took another drag on her cigarette, exhaling slowly.

The two women stood in comfortable silence for a moment, both lost in their own thoughts as they continued to smoke. The noises of the night were quiet and peaceful, as an owl was heard in the distance. Eventually, Emily spoke up, breaking the silence. "So, I couldn't help but notice you and Reid checking each other out earlier," she said with a sly smile.

Elle flushes, taking a longer drag of her cigarette. “It’s not like that,” she responds, discomfort filling her voice. “He just got me through a lot the past few months.”

Emily raised an eyebrow at Elle's response, clearly skeptical about her explanation. She took another drag on her cigarette, studying Elle's expression. “Interesting, because the way he was looking at you nearly the whole dinner, I would assume he’s smitten with you.”

Elle rolled her eyes. “He’s not interested,” she reaffirmed. “Plus, he’s literally gone on a date with JJ.”

Emily raised an eyebrow. Never in a million years would she’d have guessed JJ had gone on a date with the Doctor Spencer Reid. Emily puts out her cigarette in the ashtray. “Wow, I never would have guessed Reid had a thing for blondes.”

Elle snickered at Emily's comment, taking one last drag on her cigarette before putting hers out as well. "Yeah, he definitely has a type," she said, a subtle tease in her voice. “You should have seen him with actress Lila Archer. She dragged him into a pool while he was supposed to be her security guard.”

Emily's eyes widened in surprise at Elle's revelation. "Wait, seriously?" she asked, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

Elle and Emily continued their conversation on the porch, chuckling at the young doctor’s romantic endeavor.

In the upstairs bedroom, Penelope and JJ were on their beds, chatting away. JJ was lying on her stomach, propped up on her elbows with a pillow under her chest. Her hair was slightly tousled and there was a small frown on her face. Penelope was sitting cross-legged on her bed, facing JJ. She had a mischievous glint in her eyes and a smirk on her face.

"Oh, come on, JJ, you're just jealous," she teased, playfully poking JJ's leg with her foot.

JJ let out a snort, swatting at Penelope's foot playfully. "I'm not jealous," she protested, rolling onto her side to face Pen.

"It's just... well, you saw how he was looking at her," she said, a hint of frustration in her voice.

"Oh come on, JJ, it's not like it's a competition. Reid is allowed to have other friends besides you," Penelope said, still playful in her tone.

"I know, I know," JJ said, running a hand through her hair. "It's just... I thought Reid and I had something, you know? We went on that date, and I thought there was potential for more."

"Oh, sweetie, I know you're feeling a little hurt," she said, reaching out to place a comforting hand on JJ's shoulder. "But you know Reid is... well, Reid. He doesn't exactly have the best track record when it comes to dating."

"Yeah, I know," she said, rolling her eyes. "He's awkward and clumsy and clueless when it comes to women. That's part of his charm, I guess."

"Yeah, but it also means that he can be a little oblivious when it comes to recognizing real feelings and potential relationships," Penelope pointed out, giving JJ's shoulder a gentle squeeze. "I'm sure he doesn't even realize the effect he has on you.”

"Yeah, you're probably right," she admitted, sitting up on her bed. "I just wish he would stop being so oblivious and just... notice me, you know? I like him, I think I might even be falling for him. But it's like he's completely unaware of how I feel."

"Oh, sweetie," she said, moving closer to put her arm around JJ's shoulders. "I'm sure Reid cares about you deeply in his own awkward way. But sometimes boys, especially boys as smart as Reid, can be a little... oblivious to things that are right in front of them."

JJ leaned into Penelope’s hug. “You’re right, Pen. I just have to give him a chance.”

Spencer and Derek were in their room and each of their beds respectively. Spencer was fixating on a rubik's cube, messing with it at impressive speeds. Derek was throwing a tennis ball up and down in the air, catching it once it fell back down to Earth. "You know, I never understood why you're so obsessed with those things," he said, tossing the tennis ball up and catching it again. "Don't you ever get bored, just sitting there and solving it over and over again?"

Spencer shrugged, his eyes never leaving the cube in his hands. "Not really," he said, twisting one of the rows of squares. "There's something satisfying about figuring out the puzzle, you know? Plus, it helps me focus, keeps my mind occupied."

Derek shook his head and chuckled again. "Only you, Reid. Only you would find solving a toy puzzle relaxing."

He caught the tennis ball one final time and then sat up on the edge of his bed. "Hey, can I ask you something?"

Spencer looked up from the cube, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. "Sure, what's up?"

Derek paused for a moment, considering his words. "Have you noticed anything, I don't know...different about JJ lately?"

Spencer tilted his head, thinking back over the past few days. "Different how?" he asked. "JJ seems pretty much the same to me."

"I don't know, she just seems a little...distracted, I guess," Derek said. "She's been quieter than usual, and I caught her staring at you a couple times during dinner."

Spencer's brow furrowed in confusion. "Why would JJ be staring at me?"

Derek shrugged, a hint of a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "I don't know, Pretty Boy. Maybe she likes you."

Spencer looked at Derek skeptically. "JJ doesn't think of me like that," he said, shaking his head. "We're just friends."

"Are you sure about that?" Derek asked, his smirk growing wider. "You never know, maybe JJ's feelings are stronger than you realize."

Spencer furrowed his brow, a hint of uncertainty in his expression. "I don't know," he said, looking down at the rubik's cube in his hands. "I just never thought of JJ as anything more than a colleague and friend."

Derek chuckled, shaking his head. "You really are oblivious, you know that?" he said, a playful lilt in his voice. "JJ's been giving you puppy-dog eyes all night."

"What are you talking about?" he asked, setting the rubik's cube aside. "JJ doesn't look at me like that."

"Oh, come on, man," Derek said, rolling his eyes. "You can't tell me you haven't noticed the way she looks at you. It's like she's completely smitten."

Spencer flushed at the thought of someone being interested in him like that. He did take JJ to a football game nearly a year ago. Spencer enjoyed spending time with her, but he really didn’t think too much after the fact. “I don’t know, maybe.”

Derek stopped playing with the tennis ball. “You’re not interested?”

Spencer shrugged, going back to the rubik’s cube. His mind wandered to Elle sitting next to him at dinner. He was still worried about her after that night in Dayton. He noticed she still wasn’t quite herself, and he really couldn’t blame her for what she had been through.

"Come on, man," Derek said, playfully nudging Spencer's leg with his foot. "You know you're not completely indifferent to the idea."

Spencer looked away, focusing intently on the rubik's cube in his hands. "I don't know," he said again, avoiding Derek's gaze. "I mean, I like JJ, she's a good friend, but..."

Derek raised an eyebrow, sensing that there was more to Spencer's hesitation than just feigned ignorance. "But what?" he prompted.

Spencer paused for a moment, not knowing really what to say. He didn’t really have an excuse to not go for JJ. She was a cute girl, and she was definitely a breath of fresh air when it came to the things they dealt with in their daily work life. Spencer put the now solved cube back down. “I think I’m gonna get ready for bed.” he said, quickly grabbing his pajamas before leaving for the bathroom.

Derek watched Spencer stride quickly towards the bathroom with his pajamas in hand. He could tell that Spencer was uncomfortable with the direction the conversation was heading, and he wondered what was really going through his mind. As Spencer closed the door behind him from down the hall, Derek couldn't help but shake his head in amusem*nt. Spencer was one of his best friends, and he cared about him deeply, but sometimes he could be so oblivious to people's feelings, it was almost painful to watch.

As Spencer walked into the bathroom, he closed the door behind him and leaned back against it, letting out a weary sigh. He felt a mixture of emotions swirling around in his head. On one hand, he cared about JJ, but on the other, he hadn't really thought of her in a romantic way until Derek brought it up. He made his way over to the sink and splashed some water on his face, trying to clear his thoughts. Derek's words echoed in his mind, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he was missing something obvious.

He stripped off his clothes and stepped into the shower, letting the warm water envelop him. As he washed, his mind kept drifting back to the dinner table, and the way JJ had looked at him. He closed his eyes and rested his forehead against the cool tile. The hot water cascaded down his back, and he tried to clear his mind. But the image of JJ's expressive blue eyes stayed with him nonetheless.

He rinsed the soap off of his body, watching the suds swirl around the drain. He went ahead and dried himself off with a towel. He quickly put on his plaid pajama pants and a plain black t-shirt. As he towel-dried his hair, he heard the door knock. “One moment!” Spencer called out, scruffing his hair with the towel.

“Oop, sorry!”

Spencer could tell it was Elle’s voice. He had forgotten that there was only one bathroom upstairs, minus the one in Hotch’s and Rossi’s room. Spencer opened the door after a moment, revealing Elle standing in the hallway. She was also in her pajamas, which consisted of black sweatpants and a loose, long sleeved, white top. She had a tooth brush in her hand, assuming that was her goal. "Hey," he said, giving her a small smile. "Sorry for hogging the bathroom."

Elle waved off his apology with a dismissive gesture. “No problem,” she replied, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. “Everyone in this house deserves some alone time for a shower.”

She tilted her head, looking at him closely. “You okay?” she asked, sensing that something was on his mind.

Spencer shook his head. “Yeah, I’m just excited for tomorrow.”

Elle smiled. “Okay, well, goodnight Reid.” she said, walking past him into the bathroom.

Spencer watched as Elle slipped past him into the bathroom, her toothbrush in hand. He lingered for a moment, almost tempted to linger in the hallway, but he eventually headed towards his room. As he climbed into bed, Spencer’s mind wandered back to the conversation he had just had with Derek. He couldn’t help but wonder about JJ’s feelings for him. The thought both intrigued and scared him.

With a frustrated groan, Spencer rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling. The gears in his brain were turning, and sleep now seemed further away than ever. Finally, exhaustion won out and he felt his eyes growing heavy.

It wouldn’t be till around 3AM when a noise would wake up Elle. A faint knocking at her and Emily’s room would cause Elle to jerk awake from sleep. Elle looked over at Emily, who was still asleep on her side. Elle sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

The knock was heard again, still not waking Emily. Elle got up quietly, walking towards the door. She wondered for a moment if it was Spencer or Penelope, but when she opened the door, she saw no one standing there. Confused, Elle stepped out into the hallway, searching for the source of the knocking. The house was eerily quiet, and the only sound she could hear was the faint hum of the air conditioning. With a furrowed brow, she took a few more steps out into the hallway, her bare feet making a soft padding against the hardwood floor. As she moved further down the hallway, Elle couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. The house was too quiet, too still. Just as she was about to turn back towards her room, Elle heard a soft creak coming from somewhere nearby.

Elle froze, her heart suddenly beating loudly in her chest. She slowly turned her head, trying to pinpoint the source of the sound. The hallway was dark and ominous, and every shadow seemed to be filled with a potential threat. Elle couldn’t see anything unusual, and as she turned back around, she saw a silhouette of a figure standing by her bed.

Elle felt chills run down her spine, and the peach fuzz on the back of her neck stood up on end. The figure, still cast in pitch black, slowly started walking toward her. Elle couldn’t bring herself to move, as she was frozen in place. It was as her fight or flight response simply stopped responding completely.

The figure was still indescribable, but it was about a foot away from Elle. Elle assumed the figure was female based on the long hair and the calf length dress the figure seemed to be wearing. The figure raised its hand towards her chest, before stopping right in front of her scar.

The figure's slender, white fingers hovered mere millimeters from her scar, and Elle fought the urge to flinch back. She could feel the coldness radiating from the figure's hand, and her heart pounded like a drum in her chest. With a mix of fear and fascination, she watched as the figure gently traced the outline of her scar. The movement was both graceful and chilling, and she could feel the goosebumps rising on her skin.

That was until it jammed its finger into her chest.

The sudden action of the figure jamming a finger into her chest caused Elle to jolt back awake, a gasp escaping her lips. Elle’s breathing was quick, as if she had just run a mile. The lamp flicked on as Emily had sat up. “Hey, are you okay?”

Elle took a minute, before giving her an answer. “Yeah,” Elle swallowed, trying to regain composure. “It was just a bad dream.”

Her fingers traced the spot where the figure had touched her, and it was warm and sore to the touch. Emily gave Elle a funny look, seeing her friend look so spooked. “Alright, uh, do you need anything?”

Elle shook her head, the remnants of the dream still fresh in her mind. "No, I'm fine," she replied, forcing a reassuring smile. Her heart was still pounding in her chest, and she could feel the adrenaline pumping through her veins.

Emily observed Elle closely, her gaze scrutinizing every inch of her face. "You sure you're okay?" she pressed, her voice dripping with concern.

Elle let out a shaky breath, hoping that her lie was convincing enough. "Yeah, I told you. Just a bad dream," she replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

Emily did not continue to push it any further. “Okay, well, I’ll see you in the morning. Want me to keep the light on?”

Elle pondered for a moment, before nodding her head. "Yeah, that would be nice," she admitted, thankful that Emily was willing to keep her comfortable.

The light remaining on gave Elle some measure of comfort, though she couldn’t help but feel unsettled. Emily went back to sleep, curling away from the light. Every little sound seemed amplified in the quiet room, and Elle found herself listening intently for any signs of movement. She closed her eyes once again, hoping to relax enough to fall back asleep. But every time she started to doze off, images of the figure from her dream would flash through her mind, causing her to jerk awake once more. Elle decided not to sleep for the rest of the night, deciding it wasn’t worth the fight.

cabin tempus - eclipse_dawn - Criminal Minds (US TV) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)
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Article information

Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.