8/13/2019 Aether Vibrations
July 6, 2012
from AscendingStarSeed Website
Quantum physics that has been around for some hundred odd yearsnow is still mainstreamphysics most accepted physics.
Although quantum science has revealed the presence of the zeropoint field with all its virtualsubatomic particles and photonsthat jump into existence from apparently nowhere to returntooblivion nanoseconds later, there is still is no reasonableexplanation as to how and why particlesand photons can appear anddisappear just like that.
Also the quantum probability wave is still hard to grasp andvisualize. Quantum physics mayhave proven to be a mathematicallycorrect science; for lay people the wave-particle duality ofquantumscience it is still very hard to understand. How do we visualizeparticles that are bothwaves and solid little marbles?
Another difficult thing to grasp is the atom model presented byNiels Bohr where electrons fly inwell-defined shells around thenucleus. Since electrons continuously radiate energy theyshouldeventually collapse into the nucleus, but they dont!Thequestion is where does this radiating energy actually come from andhow is it replenished?Quantum science has accepted the quantumstates of the electrons (distinct shell within theatom) for a fact,but is unable to answer the question why the electrons only occurin discreteshells within the atom and why they dont eventuallycrash into the nucleus.
Even three hundred years after the discovery of gravity byNewton, science still has notheoretical explanation for it.
This is exactly why science is moving forward to find newtheories that can better explain the
anomalies of quantum science. Today mainstream sciences bestshot is the string theory.However, a small group of scientists arenow taking a radical new view, and their thinking istaking themback to insights from ancient history.
For hundreds of years brilliant physicists and philosophers havetried to represent our world inmathematical models of particlephysics that state that our physical world is made of matterofwhich the smallest part is called the atom. Atom is an ancientGreek word meaning undividable ;it is supposedly the smallest partof matter that cannot be divided anymore!Quantum mechanics howevernoticed that particles in some cases behaved like waves andlaterintroduced the wave-particle duality.
Some quantum scientists already suggested in the past that thequantum waves could be realwaves after all, existing in thephysical domain. They did not believe in particle wave duality.
As long ago as 1937 Erwin Schrdinger wrote that, what we observeas material bodies and forces are nothing but shapes andvariationsin the structure of space itself.
Eventually even Einstein rejected the idea of discrete particlesand believed that particles were infact part of a continuousfield.
A growing number of post quantum physicists are discovering whatEinstein and Schrdingeralready assumed; physics may have been onthe wrong track all along, misled by the idea thatthe materialworld exists of separate hard particles!They are suggesting nowthat we may live in a wave-based universe.
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Matter is simply the focal point of a vibration in an energy seacalled the aether.
The aether
In Greek antiquity, the Greek scientists and philosophersbelieved that nature only counted fourelements; earth, water, fireand air.The atoms were believed to be the building blocks of thesefour elements of the universe.
Aristotle added the fifth element aether and postulated thatplanets and stars were made of thisaether. Greek philosopher Plato, 350 years B.C., described these five elements and addedthatmatter is created from the five Platonic solids that hedescribed in his book Timaeus . He equated the tetrahedron with theelement fire, the cube with the earth, the icosahedron withwater,the octahedron with air and the dodecahedron with the aether, thestuff of the planets andstars.We now know of course that there arefar more elements in nature than the ones known in Greekantiquity.However, it is a well-known fact that the Platonic solids play arole in chemistry as theinternal organization structures ofmolecules in many materials. For instance the Platonic solidsshowup in the organization of molecules of natural crystals.
Here we will present a new theory about matter that agrees withPlato that the atoms areconstructed from the Platonic solids.Somescientists now believe that the aether is a subtle energy thatflows through all materialthings like some liquid, creating thematerial world from it. The Platonic solids are believed to bethegeometrical internal structures of the atom. Thats the reason whysacred geometry is soimportant in this new aether theory.
In the 19 th century the luminiferous aether was well acceptedby science! It was the mediumthrough which the electromagnetic wavewas supposed to propagate. In those days physicistsbelieved thatmatter and the aether were two separate things.The aether served asthe carrier medium for radiant energies such as light and wasbelieved totransmit force fields between material objects in theuniverse such as gravity. James ClerkMaxwell, the founder ofelectrodynamics and his contemporaries didnt have any doubt thattheaether existed.However in 1887 Albert Michelson and EdwardMorley conducted an experiment to prove theexistence of theaether.
At the time light was thought to be a compression wave thatpropagated as a longitudinal wavethrough the motionless andstationary aether, just like sound waves through the air. WhiletheEarth itself is spinning, the Earth must have a relative motionwith respect to the motionlessaether.They reasoned that when thespeed of light is measured on the surface of the Earth, itshouldgive different results when measured clockwise or counterclockwise with respect to the rotationof the Earth around its axis.However the Michelson Morley experiment proved that the speedoflight had the same constant value no matter in what direction thespeed of light was measured.From this experiment it was concludedthat the aether did not exist.Physics has abandoned the aethertheory ever since. However today scientists believe that the
results of the Michaelson-Morley experiment have beenmisinterpreted.
So now after a hundred years the aether is back in physics. Inthe new emerging physics, theNewtonian particles and quantummechanical particle/wave duality is abandoned. In new aetherphysicsthere are only waves!
The aether is the medium of the electromagnetic waves and it isassumed that the aether is anon-material fluid-like medium, asubtle energy substance that permeates the entire universe. Itis awell known fact that waves require a medium to wave in: without amedium, sorry there canbe no waves. Sound requires the air. Forwater waves it is the water that waves.
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But for some unexplainable reason ever since theMichaelson-Morley experiment supposedlydisproved the existence ofthe aether, physics accepted the fact that electromagnetic wavescantravel through empty space without any medium at all.How absurd,if there is no medium, then what is waving? How is light topropagate as a wavephenomenon if there is nothing to propagatein?Physics accepted that light could travel through absolutenothingness only because theMichaelson-Morley experiment had failedto prove the existence of the aether.
An astonishing premise of the revived aether physics is thatthere is no dualism, no distinctionbetween a material andimmaterial thing; its all energy since energy is all there is!Matter is not afundamental property of the universe; it is the formnot the substance that shapes matter.Now we finally can takeEinsteins famous formula E=m * c, one step further and really starttounderstand what this formula implied!
It is not that energy and matter can be interchanged; no, matter= energy, period!
In this sense matter is an illusion of solidness andseparateness. Eastern spiritual traditions havealways claimed thatour world is Maya , illusionary.
What they meant by this is that separateness does not exist ;there is only theunity at the fundamental level of existence, theunity of Brahman . Now we maysee Eastern wisdom corroborated bymodern day science!
This is how aether physics is best described: Our universe ismulti dimensional and it is made of one substance and onesubstanceonly! This substance is called aether and it is a vibratingfluid-likeenergy that permeates the physical vacuum.Matter as weknow it is created moment by moment as a standing wave, avortex inthe physical vacuum. It is the condensed center of these vortexesthatcreates the illusion of a separate particle.
All matter in the universe is interconnected since the particlefields extend to thefar corners of the universe.
Wave Structure of Matter
A precursor of aether physics is the Wave Structure of Mattertheory by Milo Wolff . In 1986 Wolff formulated a theory that hecalled the Standing Wave Structure of Matter (abbreviated to WSMtheory). Independently Geoff Haselhurst came to the sameconclusionabout a standing wave theory for matter and they areworking together as of 1998.
The WSM theory is relatively simple. It proposes that matter isthe focal point of a standing wavethe result of two interferingwaves. One is an inward wave moving towards the center and theotheris an outward-bound wave moving away from the center. The waves arespherical waves inthe fabric of space. The center of the twospherical waves is the point particle center. As simple
as the axiom of this theory is, the properties these standingwaves can assume seem to beimmense.
Whereas almost all physical laws both in Newtonian and quantumphysics were empiricallyderived from experiments, Milo Wolf says henow has theory that a priori, from theoreticalprinciples, allowsthe laws of both relativity and quantum physics to bedetermined!
If he is right the origin of the physical laws and theproperties of charge, mass and gravity, for thefirst time can beunderstood. Mainstream physics could never really explain these;for one thingwe still dont know what gravity really is; we haveknown the physical laws o f gravity since
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Newton; however we dont know whats causing gravity!
String theory is trying to accomplish exactly what the WSMtheory has done, to integratequantum physics and Einsteinsrelativity. String theory is mainstream physics best shot andhopefor a theory of everything (T.O.E.)
A wave structure of matter had already been proposed 130 yearsago by William Clifford , hedeclared that,
all matter is simply undulations in the fabric of space.
Unfortunately, his colleagues never took his work seriously.
In the WSM theory matter is just the interference pattern of inand out waves. The in-waves of agiven particle are the out-waves ofanother particle. In this way all matter in the universeissustained and mutually dependent.In and out waves tie all thematter in the universe together.
Sub-quantum kinetics
Paul La Violette has developed a general system aether theorycalled subquantum kinetics .He believes that science is wrong aboutmany aspects in physics including the Big Bang theorythat tells usthat the universe came into existence from one big cosmicexplosion.
According to the Big Bang theory , the universe inflated fromwhat is called a singularity, aninfinitely compressed point inspace, into a volume of several hundred million light-yearsindiameter in just 10 seconds!
This event required that all known laws in physics, includingthe laws of thermodynamics,Einsteins relativity laws (nothing canexceed the speed of light) were disabled for the happyoccasion, thebirth of all matter and energy from complete nothingness.
Additional Information
2006 from SoulsOfDistortion Website
After this briefest of moment of time, the holy laws of sciencewere re-enacted and ever since theuniverse does not allow energyand matter to be created from the same nothingness any longer(firstlaw of Thermodynamics).
At its birth, the universe showed its highest degree oforganization and physics dictates that thisorder eventually willdecay into complete chaos again (second law ofthermodynamics).Scientists call this the increase of entropy.PaulLa Violette does not contradict these laws; on the contrary, hesimply doesnt believe thatthese laws were disabled for just thissplit second during the Big Bang. In his book Genesis of the Cosmoshe mentions many more problems with the Big Bang theorysuch as theexplanation for the observed red-shifts of stars that cosmologistsuse as proof thatour universe has been expanding ever since the BigBang. The red-shift of the stars is believed
to be caused by the Doppler effect as stars move away from ourpoint of reference.Cosmologists never took the alternative tiredlight explanation for these red-shifts seriously- thatis, the factthat light travelling over billions of light years may be absorbedby intergalacticmaterial resulting in a loss of energy and anincrease of wavelength.
La Violette believes that the cosmology of the ancients is abetter alternative that does not sufferfrom the Big Bangssingularity problems.
According to many ancient cosmologies, the universe evolved overbillions of years as a result ofa continuous process of matter andenergy creation from a supposedly fourth dimensional realm,theaether.
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This creation process has never ceased and still continues todayaccording to La Violette. Tosustain his claims, he explains thatthe universe at heart is not a closed but an open system andis ableto receive energy and matter from a fourth dimension withoutcontradicting the laws ofthermodynamics. The aether is supposedlyan unobservable metaphysical realm, a non-equilibriumtransmutablemedium that continuously fluctuates. When fluctuationsreach a critical threshold they are able tospawn stable waveformsin our observable physical universe. It was only in 1973 thatsystemtheorists learned about chemical solutions that were able tocreate self-organising chemicalreactions that spontaneously startedto oscillate.These chemical reactions such as theBelousov-Zhabotinski reaction periodically spawned so-calledchemical or reaction-diffusion waves.The cross chemical reactionsinvolved oscillate between low and high concentrations ofthechemical compounds that drive the reaction. Lets assume that thefirst reaction uses compoundX to create compound Y, then the secondreaction will be exactly the inverse of the first and usecompound Yto create compound X again.
There is a constant diffusion of the compounds from areas ofhigh to low concentrations, hencethe reaction-diffusion wave. Thesechemical waves will spawn beautiful Mandala like wavepatterns whenput on a Petri dish. To understand how the chemical reactionactually starts tooscillate lets use the metaphor of the predator-prey system.Suppose we have a population of rabbits that has anabundant supply of lettuce. Since rabbitsbreed like hell, theirpopulation will grow fast.However in our little closed habitatthere are also foxes that feed on the rabbits, limiting thegrowthof the rabbit population. Since the rabbit population grows fast,so does the foxpopulation. However, since there is a feedback loopin our system, balance will be restored in ourhabitat; when thefoxes eat too many rabbits, they will run into a food shortage,reducing thegrowth of the fox population and allowing the rabbitsto survive. The fox-rabbit population willoscillate between twoextremes, a minimum and maximum, a perfect example of awaveoscillation.
From these observations, Paul La Violette reasoned that theaether may likewise spawn wavepatterns from two aether states, twodifferent aetherons, which continuously mutate from onestate intothe other and visa versa. In normal cases, the aether maintains itsequilibrium state
due to the second law of thermodynamics, however under criticalconditions these aethertransmutations like the predator-prey wavesmay become self-organising and form stable wavepatterns. These wavepatterns will become observable in our physical universeaselectromagnetic energy, light.
His theory has been tested in a simulator model called theBrusselator and uses two X and Yaetheron states to prove that undercritical conditions, self-organising oscillations mayspontaneouslycome into existence. The actual ether reaction used just a few moreintermediateether states but for the sake of simplicity aetherons Xand Y are the only ones mentioned here.
The transmutation aether model of Paul La Violette brings tomind the transmutation of theChinese Yin and Yang energiesmentioned in the I Ching, the Book of Changes. The I Chingmentionscreation as the result of cyclic mutual transmutations of Yin andYang energies. Thefemale Yin energy transforms into the male Yangenergy and vice versa in an eternal process ofphysicalmanifestation.
Paul La Violettes sub -quantum kinetics perfectly describes howthe aether realm spawns wavesthat we observe as light in ouruniverse. Since this light forms a standing wave that iseternallyreplenished by the aetheron transmutations, this is whatwe finally observe as quantum particlesof matter.
Sub quantum kinetics yields a better alternative for therequired in and out waves of Milo WolffsWSM theory.
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As we progress in our understanding of how matter is actuallyshaped from the aether, we willsee in the next paragraphs that thevibrations created from the aether must be organized invortexshapes in order to shape the atom.
Vortexes in the aether
David Thomson and Jim Bourassa both founded the QuantumAetherDynamics Institute andare independently developing an aetherbased model integrating, quantum mechanics, relativitytheory andstring theory.The model describes matter as a subatomic whirlpool,tornado or vortex in the aether. They callthis vortex the Toroidal(A) Aether Unit (TAU). When combined in spherical configurationstheyform the nucleus and electron shells of the atom. QuantumAetherDynamics mentions that theaether has both mechanical andelectromagnetic properties.The mechanical property is what givesmatter its mass; its the angular momentum of the whirlingaetherenergy. Mass is simply the inertia created by the aether vortexesmuch like the inertia thatis created by a spinning top.
The eternal spin of the aether vortexes that is to be maintainedfor the stability of all matter in theuniverse is called themysterious Gforce or God Force. AetherDynamics defines it asanenormous force with no known cause. I quote from theirwebsite:
The Gforce is a tremendous force that is beyond comparison toany other forcein the universe. It may not be what physicists arehoping to find (and I believethis is why this model hasn't beenproposed before), but the Gforce appears tobe a primary force thatgave rise to the entire universe.If one were to liken it to theForce in Star Wars, they wouldn't be far off. If onewere tocharacterize this Gforce as God , or Supreme Being, or GreatArchitect ofthe Universe, they wouldn't be far off, either.Whatever this prime force is, itappears to be a living thing andthe source of all things animate and inanimate.
Sacred geometry plays an important role in the aether physicsthat we are presenting in thisbook.The reason is ratherstraightforward. When the universe is shaped from one substance andonesubstance only, then the only way to give the physical world aseeming separate appearance ofindividual material things is throughform, since substance by itself cannot discriminate. Hencethegeometry of the aether and how it is structured is the crux increating the material world.
The relation between vibration and geometry is beautifullydescribed by the work of Swissmedical doctor and natural scientistHans Jenny (1904- 1972) in a science called Cymatics .
Dr. Hans Jennys Cymatics research, vibration of a fluid withcolloid showing a star-tetrahedron
The late Buckminster Fuller (1895 - 1983) however was the firstto discover that a relationbetween musical frequencies (TheDiatonic scale) and geometrical forms exists.He used a balloonsubmerged in blue dye and vibrated it with frequencies from themusical scale(the 7 white keys from the piano): as a result of waveinterference, marvellous two dimensionalarrangements appeared onits surface.
Dr. Hans Jenny carried on the work of Buckminster Fuller andtested these standing wavevibrations in spherical volumes offluid.
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basic building blocks of matter. Since the aether is some kindof a fluid, it follows the well-knownphysical laws ofhydrodynamics.
Interestingly, in 1895 two clairvoyants by the name CharlesLeadbeater and Annie Besant published an article in a magazinetitled Occult Chemistry wherein they explained theinternalstructure of Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen. Usingclairvoyance as the only instruments in theirscrutiny, theyrevealed the internal structure of the above-mentioned elements.Theclairvoyants had no scientific background whatsoever; however theypictured the followingtorus shapes as the basic building blocks ofthe atom:
The Anu(Courtesy of Dan Winter, www.soulinvitation.com)
They called these torus- like flow forms the Anu and mentionedthat the atom is shaped from theaether using the Anu as a flowform.
Daniel Winter supports the idea of these two clairvoyants anduses the torus shape from theseobservations along with the PlatonicSolids to construct the atom.
According to Daniel Winter the aether creates vortexes, littletornados of whirling and spirallingenergy in the ocean of aether,our universe. The vortexes in the aether are like the little eddiesina river. The vortex is natures natural flow form for fluids. Thesame vortex flow form is created
every time we pull the plug in our bathtub!When two of theseaether vortexes join their funnels they form a torus:
Single aether vortex(Courtesy of Dan Winter,www.soulinvitation.com)
Double vortex = Torus(Courtesy of Dan Winter,www.soulinvitation.com)
Now the torus is a unique flow form in hydrodynamics, it allowsfluids to spiral inwards andoutwards on the same surface of thetorus. It is a very stable flow form.
If the universe is essentially created from one universalsubstance, the aether, it must be formthat is used to createdifferent and separate things out of this universal substance. Thetorus isnatures perfect flow form to create a seemingly separateentity in the formless aether that isstable enough to last.
The torus flow form is similar to the rings created by the smokeof a cigar. The cigar smoke whirlsinwards on top of the smoke ringand comes out again on the bottom of the ring. It isconstantlyfolding inwards to come around on the other side flowingoutwards. The torus is often comparedwith the shape of a doughnutor an apple. Its a spherical form folded inwards at the poles toforma small hole in the middle.
The individual aether torus doughnuts can be nested inside eachother. Nesting torus doughnutsrequires that the vortex cones of thetorus are aligned with the faces of the Platonic solids.
The flat bottom of a vortex cone should touch the face of aPlatonic solid.
As an example we show the cube that contains 3 vortex pairs or 3torus doughnuts alignedperpendicular to each other in a cube and 5nested torus doughnuts in a dodecahedron. Cube (3 doughnuts)Dodecahedron (5 doughnuts)(Courtesy of Dan Winter,www.soulinvitation.com)
Now we may remember from the Cube of Metatron that the Platonicsolids themselves can benested, they fit into each other.Lets takethe cube, wh en lines are drawn to interconnect all centres on the6 faces of the cube,they form the octahedron. The octahedron isfully circumscribed by the initial cube. The sameprocess can berepeated now with the octahedron by interconnecting the centres ofthe faces ofthe octahedron. The result is a cube now circumscribedby the octahedron.
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This process can go on and on forever, creating smaller andsmaller Platonic solids perfectlynested into each other, it createsa fractal, a repetitive geometric pattern.
Nested Platonic Solids(Courtesy of Dan Winter,www.soulinvitation.com)
The nesting of the Platonic solids is not restricted to the cubeand octahedron. All Platonic solids can be nested into each other.It is the nesting of the Platonic solids thatcreates the electronshells of the atom. Similarly however at a much smaller scale thenucleus of
the atom is formed.
The electrons in the electron shells correspond with thevortexes that are nested in Platonicsymmetries. According to DanielWinter, physics has mistaken these vortex waveforms forelectronparticles. Within the atom, the electrons orbit the nucleus at afixed distance from thenucleus.The sphere that describes theorbital plane of the electron is called the electron shell. Therearedifferent types of shells in the make up of the atom that weregiven the names s, p, d and f shellsand they contain respectively2, 6, 10 and 14 electrons maximum.
Each vortex pair in the doughnut corresponds with 2 electronsand when the doughnuts areorganized inside a Platonic Solid we getthe equivalent of an electron shell.Heres the correspondence:
1 vortex pair (1 torus) corresponds with the 2 electrons of thesshell.3 nested vortex pairs in a cube correspond with the 6electronsof the p shell.5 nested vortex pairs in a dodecahedroncorrespond with the 10electronsof the d shell7 nested vortex pairsin an icosahedron correspond with the 14electronsof the f shell
So matter is the stable flow form pattern emerging from theaether.It takes on geometrical shapes from a formless energy,creating the illusion of separate electronparticles in the electronshells and the particles that make up the nucleus.
Mainstream physics has never been able to explain why the atomhas these random numbers of2, 6, 10 and 14 electrons in itselectron clouds, the orbital shells around the nucleus.DanielWinters model of the atom now explains exactly why thesenumber show up in the period tableof the elements! These numbersare related to the geometrical properties of the PlatonicSolids!
Also for the very first t ime we have an explanation as to whythe electron does not crash into thenucleus and how its radiatedenergy is replenished. Electrons are not particles that encirclethenucleus instead they are standing wave patterns at discretedistances from the nucleus! Theaether simply replenishes thesestanding waves eternally.
Another way of looking at the torus shape is regarding it as aform that can be perfectlydescribed by a set of Phi spirals.
Phi spirals in nested doughnuts(Courtesy of Dan Winter,www.soulinvitation.com)
Each Phi spiral is actually a series of pure sine waves. It is awell-known principle in physics that any complex wave shape can becreated from the sumof simpler pure sine waves with differentfrequencies and amplitudes. This principle is called theFourierprinciple. The Phi spiral is constructed from a series of harmonicswith wavelengths thatcomply with the Golden Mean version of theFibonacci sequence:
mmmmmm When pure sine waves with wavelengths of 1/ , 1, , , etc.are added together, they willform a perfect Phi spiral.
Golden Mean Waves When these Phi spirals circle around the torusthey meet and interfere.
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As a result of this interference two new additional waves willbe created. What is important tonotice is that both new waves willhave wavelengths that are again in the Fibonacci series. Thisallowsthat the interference will be non-destructive since theinterference will simply result inmore harmonics in the Fibonacciseries.
Whilst destructive interference is the norm in waveinterference, the only exception in nature iswhen the wavesinterfere with Golden Mean ratio wavelengths! In other words, thePhi spiral canre-enter itself around the torus shape withoutdestroying itself. So the Phi spiral is the universesonly possibleway to nest and become self-organizing. This is how stable mattercan be formedfrom electromagnetic energy as a form of pure waveinterference.
Electromagnetic energy in a straight line is what we usuallycall light. When this same lightchases its own tail around thesurface of the torus shape we call it matter.In other words theatom is pure electromagnetic energy in a form that we no longerperceive aslight but as matter, or to put it in Daniel Winters ownwords:
So now we have this dualism that waves in a line are energy andwaves in acircle are mass, and because we dont know how the wavegot into a circle fromthe line and out, we conceive mass asseparate from energy. E=MC^2 simplysaid that yes loop the speed oflight back around on itself, and you made massof energy.
The Golden Mean spirals of the torus shape eventually spiralinto a perfect zero still point in thenucleus of the vortex thatcoincides with the nucleus of the atom.So these sine waves implodeinwards into increasing smaller wavelengths. The implosion oftheGolden sine waves into smaller and smaller wavelengths not onlyincreases the frequency of thewaves but also increases the speed ofthe waves to become super-luminal waves (travellingfaster thanlight). According to Daniel Winter, this is what gravity really is,the cascade of GoldenMean electromagnetic sine waves that gain anever-increasing velocity breaking the speedbarrier oflight.Einstein had always assumed that electromagnetism and gravitywere related and Daniel Winterexplains us how this connection isestablished.
(Courtesy of Dan Winter, www.soulinvitation.com)When doughnutsare nested to form the electron shells of the atom, the onlyrequirement tocontinue this form of non-destructive interference isthat these doughnuts align according to the
Platonic Solid geometries.
When these nested doughnuts inside the atom are arrangedaccording to the Platonic solidssymmetries, all waves will rushinto the center of the atom, creating repetitive, recursive orfractalpatterns that not only shape the electron shells but alsothe nucleus. Eventually the fractalpatterns disappear into a zeropoint in the nucleus of the atom.The implosion of theelectromagnetic waves into shorter and shorter wavelengths is whatgravityreally is. In a way the torus is a miniature black hole thatattracts the light into itself creatinggravity.
The harmonious wave cycles that follow the Golden Mean ratio,the Phi cycles may be the originof the word physical (Phi cycle).Physics would be simply the study of Phi cycles!
Universal principal
The repetitive patterns of the Platonic solids that fit intoeach other are fractals. A fractal is arepetitive pattern that canbe scaled to any size. The scale may change but the ratio isheldconstant.
Now the fractal patterns that shape the atom, according toDaniel Winter also shape our planetsand stars, in fact theuniverse.
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A fractal has self-simi larity at all scales, its the samegeometric pattern repeated. The innerstructure in a fractal isreflected in the outer structure. Fractal means fraction of theall, indicatingthat each piece is part of the whole. It is thebasic idea of a hologram and this is why according toDaniel Winterthe universe at large is just a super-hologram.The fractals ofelectromagnetic energy interconnect everything with everythingwithin theuniverse and are the basic building blocks of thishologram. The fractal repetitive structures ofelectromagneticenergy weave a giant cobweb throughout the universe.
The wavelengths of planets and stars are huge in comparison withthe wavelengths of the atom,however when their wavelengths fit intothe Fibonacci sequence of the Golden Mean, theyinterferenon-destructively; they implode and form a fractal attractor thatwe call gravity! This ishow the planets and stars are connected bymeans of imploding electromagnetic waves that weexperience asgravity.
So if the universe is in essence a hologram and there is onlyone principle that shapes everythingfrom atoms to planets, stars,and the universe at large, we should find proof of thesevortexes,Platonic Solids, and doughnut structures in all parts ofthe universe.
This holographic principle of the universe was first mentionedby the ancient Greek HermesTrismegistus as one of the sevenHermetic principles As above, so below, as below, so above.WhatHermes meant was that there is a correspondence between thedifferent planes ofexistence, the macro-cosmos and themicro-cosmos. This Hermetic principle tells us that whatwe see outthere in the universe, in the galaxies, stars and planets, we willalso find on a smallerscale inside the atoms.
So is there any proof that may corroborate the validity of thisHermetic principle in our universe?
The answer is yes there is; the amazing fact of the matter isthat recent discoveries reveal thatthe Hermetic principle and thesacred geometry involved can be demonstrated in both thetheoreticalunobservable subatomic vortexes of the atom, and the very realobservable largestvortexes of hurricanes!Richard C. Hoaglanddiscovered the pentagonal and hexagonal structures in the eyes ofviolent
category 4 and 5 (Saffir-Simpson scale) hurricanes that havethreatened the United States in thelast few years. Satellite photosbeautifully display the five spoked-wheel observed in the eyeofsome of these hurricanes.The satellite photo below shows thepentagon in the eye of hurricane Isabel of September 2003.
hurricane Isabel
Five-sided pentagon in hurricane Isabel Hoagland theories intheir hyper-dimensional physics that category 4 and 5 hurricanesopen upan inter-dimensional gateway with a higher dimension thatallows aetheric energy to flow into ourphysical dimension.Thisaetheric energy in the form of torsion waves (discussed later farbelow), create standingwaves like the ones in Dr. Hans JennysCymatics experiments and are the explanation for theobservedpentagonal and hexagonal patterns in the eye of the hurricane. Wewould never havediscovered these hyper-dimensional aetherstructures in the mechanism of a hurricane if the
water vapor of the clouds had not arranged itself according tothese interference patterns.Hoagland believe that hurricanes arenot only feeding on the conventional convection currentscaused bythe warm ocean waters and cooler air above, but also experienceanti-gravity effectsin their funnels as a result of the torsionwaves. As a result the clouds that form the pentagramon top of thehurricane are raised in the air much higher than normal.Theantigravity effect increases significantly and coincides with theformation of the pentagramonly when the internal hurricane windspeeds build up to the extreme categories 4 and 5 ontheSaffir-Simpson scale.
Daniel Winter has a slightly different interpretation of thesacred geometry involved in these
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hurricanes. According Daniel Winter, the pentagon shape revealedin the two-dimensionalsatellite picture is in three-dimensionalreality, a dodecahedron, and the hexagonal shaperepresents the topview of an icosahedron. Winter postulates that the nested andfractalstructures of the dodecahedron and the icosahedron are theresult of imploding electromagneticwaves in the eye of thehurricane.These electromagnetic waves are extracted from gravity,Winter explains, since gravity andelectromagnetism are relatedphenomena.Hurricanes and tornados are renowned for their anomalouselectromagnetic effects such asthunderbolts and shining lights inthe funnel of these storms. This is an anomaly since hurricanesandtornados are not thunderstorms. So now it seems that nature hasprovided a real observablephenomenon that allows us to study thehurricane as the Hermetic counterpart of the samevortex that shapesthe atom.
The doughnut torus shape created by these vortexes can be foundin the macroscopic world aswell. Surprisingly enough, NASA in thesummer of 2004 released new information aboutdiscoveries that weremade with the European Space Agency observatories the INTEGRALandXMM-Newton. They discovered that so-called black holes in ouruniverse are actually doughnutshaped torus formations!Black holesare objects with an unfathomable mass. They have the density ofmillions to billionstimes the mass of our Sun and the gravitationalforce of black holes is so strong that nothing canescape from it,not even light. Everything in the environment of a black hole isattracted to thecore of the black hole.
The similarity between the macroscopic doughnut torus shape ofthe black hole and themicroscopic doughnut torus shape of the atomis apparent. The black holes basic characteristicis that itsgravitation is so immense that even light cannot escape it.
According to Daniel Winter the vortex structure of the doughnuttorus structure is actually animplosion of Golden Mean waves thatis no less than the equivalent of gravity. It is light thatisattracted into the core, just like what happens inside the BlackHole.
It is also interesting to note that recent developments instring theory predict that black holes canexist at any scale fromthe microcosmic scale of particles to the macroscopic monstrousscalesof black holes observed in remote galaxies. In fact at CERNin Switzerland they are building a
new colossal particle accelerator to be finished by 2007 calledthe Large Hadron Collider (LHC)and scientists are anticipating thatthe LHC may actually be powerful enough to spawn miniatureblackholes.This remarkable fact has become possible from new insights instring theory. String theorypredicts not only multiple dimensionsbut also that gravity unlike all other forces in nature willbeactive in these additional dimensions.This means that the effectof gravity is far stronger at small distances than conventionaltheorypredicts. In conventional theory black holes can only becreated from tremendously densemasses; however string theory nowallows for miniature black holes far less dense that can existevenat the subatomic level of particles!
Astrophysics is still trying to find out the right cosmologicalmodel for our universe. The currentaccepted idea has been aroundsince the seventies and is the idea that the universe hasbeencreated in one giant blast called the Big Bang. Ever since theuniverse has been expanding, thecosmological model of an expandinguniverse is called the inflationary model.One of the founders ofthe inflationary model Dr. Robert P. Kirshner of Harvard Universitynowbelieves that a cyclic model can better explain the latestdiscoveries made about our universe. Inthe cyclic model theuniverse is re-birthed in an eternal cycle of both expansion andcontraction.Recent discoveries have shown that the universe notonly expands, but also that this expansionis accelerating.The onlysource that could explain this acceleration is an invisible energythat permeates theentire universe! Astrophysics has termed thismysterious energy dark energy!
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Remarkably a cyclic model is the cosmological model thatcorresponds with the ancient Easterncosmology. According to thespiritual Eastern scripture of the Upanishads the universeisrecreated eternally from the breath of Brahman by breathing inand out the Prana of the universe.
There are now a number of astrophysics theorists who havelaunched the idea that the universeat large has the shape of agiant doughnut torus. One of these theorists is Professor JosephSilk of the Department of Physics, Oxford University.The mostcommon used method by scientists to model the shape of the universeis to measureand determine the geometry of the cosmic microwavebackground radiation of the universe, theprimordial residual energyof the Big Bang. The new idea that the universe is shaped like atorusstems from the last measurements of the backgroundradiation..
If we assume that the universe is indeed in a perpetual cycle ofbirth and death then thedoughnut torus shape can perfectly explainand model this behaviour. Just suppose that allplanets, stars andgalaxies move through space in this huge doughnut shaped universe.Thecenter of the doughnut represents the moment of the Big Bang.Thecenter like the center of the black hole is a singularity where allspace and time are infinitelycompressed. Think of this zero pointas the eternal now. Now when we leave the zero point ofthe doughnutand move outwards through the funnel over the surface of thedoughnut, spaceemerges and starts to expand, time starts ticki ng.Weve left the white hole of the universewhere planets, stars andgalaxies are birthed.While traversing over the surface of thetorus, space keeps expanding until we cross the equator,the middleplane of the symmetrical torus. Next space starts to shrink againand all space isattracted to the black hole opposite pole of thedoughnut where everything will collapse again tothe zero stillpoint within the doughnut.Weve completed one complete cycle ofbirth and death!The eternal cycle of the universe would be suchthat everything is being birthed from asingularity, (The Big Bang),the white hole of the universe. After the universes birth we moveforbillions of years through space to end up where we started to beattracted again into a hugeblack hole. From there on the next cycleis started.
Recent discoveries made by astrophysics have also shown that thePlatonic solids can also befound in the clustering of galaxies.
In our galaxy, the zodiac with its twelve signs actually has thegeometry of a dodecahedron withits 12 faces corresponding to the 12houses or signs of the zodiac!
Platonic Solids also show up in the Earths energy fields asdemonstrated here . Th e aura of theEarth is a dodeca-icosohedrongrid (nested dodecahedron and icosahedron) that is referred toasthe Earth grid for short.
Richard Hoagland have pointed out that there are planets in ourSolar System that showgeological stress points at exactly 19.47degrees latitude. Examples are the Great Red Spot onJupiter, theGreat Dark spot of Neptune, the Suns area of the largestsunspots.The 19.47 degrees latitude stress points can be explainedif we consider the interlacedtetrahedron energy structures to bepresent in the sphere of these cosmic bodies.
Interlaced or star tetrahedron in the planets The correspondenceprinciple of Hermes Trismegistos as above, so below is valid alsofor thePlatonic solids in the aura, the energy field of the humanbody.Science in the nineties has actually corroborated theexistence of the bio energy fields of thehuman body that werealready known to the Chinese for thousands of years, know astheChinese meridian system and the seven chakras in the body. Theeastern Chakra systems of the body have been identified as nodes inthe human bodywhere vortexes of subtle energy from higherdimensions interfere with the physical body.
Many ancient traditions mention that the aetheric energycounterpart body of the physical body
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as the vehicle of the human soul. Supposedly the energystructure of the human aura containsthe wave interference patternsof the Platonic Solids especially the star-tetrahedron.
Meditation in Lotus position and the Merkaba(Courtesy of AnandaM. Bosman, www.akasha.de/~aton/)
The energy body in ancient Egypt was called the Merkaba.(Mer=rotating light, Ka=spirit,Ba=human body). It was believed thatthe spinning light of the Merkaba could take a person from onedimension
into another. It was the light through which the soul descendedinto the human body and that canalso be used to ascend to higherplanes.
The Merkaba energy field of the human body is an interlacedtetrahedron (doubleinterpenetrating tetrahedron, one pointingupwards and one downwards; see the cover of thisbook). The Merkabais mentioned in many religions such as in the Jewish Kabbalah,whichdescribes it as a counter rotating energy field that affectsboth spirit and body.
In the Bible Ezekiel called the Merkaba the vehicle of light.This vehicle of light allowed the soulto travel between paralleldimensions. Kings 2:2 tells the story of prophet Elijah and Elishawhocrossed the Jordan river at Beth-El when all of a sudden aMerkaba of fire appears and Elijahdisappears in the whirlwind.Elijah had vanished from the face of this Earth and ascendedfromthe physical plane.
The Merkaba is also preserved in Islam in the ancient Islamicmysticism of Sufism. The dervishSufi dancer expresses the Merkababy spinning in a counter clockwise dance his robe, creatingtwospherical discs that express the toroidial shape or torus shape ofthe Merkaba.
Sacred geometry researcher Drunvalo Melchizedek has put mucheffort in reconstructing thesignificance of the Merkaba; hementions that the human body creates the Merkaba asanelectromagnetic energy field around the body. Ananda Bosman haslaunched a whole new science that he has coined Vortexiajah.Vortexiajahstands for a physics of vortexes within vortexes thatperfectly corresponds with Daniel Wintersimplosion physics. Anandaexplains that the Merkaba or the Light Body Star Ship as hementionsit is the vehicle between the third dimension and otherhigher planes of existence.He claims to be able to travel out ofbody using his Merkaba. His first outer bodyexperiencesspontaneously occurred after a serious accident where healmost lost his life! He claims to be incontact now with a higherintelligence helping him to shape his new physics Vortexiajah!
Sacred geometry patterns of electromagnetic energy also occur inthe energy field radiated bythe heart. The human heart has anelectromagnetic field in the form of a doughnut toroidialfield(perfect torus) triggering the 7-layered muscles in the heartto beat. This toroidial energy field isthe animator of the heartaccording to Daniel Winter.
Another example is the geometry in DNA. DNA has the geometry often interpenetratingdodecahedra spiralling along the helix. Itrequires ten Phi spirals to create the top view of DNA.The basicgeometry of DNA is that of a dodecahedron.Since Daniel Winterassumes that the universe is one huge super hologram and thateverythingin the universe is connected with everything else bymeans of Golden waves, he believes thatDNA is electro-magneticallycoupled with the Earth grid and the Zodiac by means of thefractal
dodecahedron shapes of energy.
Aether and the zero point field
But how does the aether relate to the zero point field thatquantum scientists have discovered? Are they one and the samething? The only difference I believe is how these fields arebeingdescribed.
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Both fields describe energy that is everywhere in the universe.Quantum physics howeverdescribes the zero point field as thecollective energy that is released (virtual photons) by all ofthesubatomic particles in the universe when they fall back from theirexcited state to theirenergetic ground states (called the Lambshift after Willis Lamb).The sum of all this energy is what createsthe zero point field. On the other hand the subatomicparticlesborrow energy (virtual photons) from the zero point field pushingthem into a higherenergy state. The give and take of virtualphotons of energy is what shapes the zero point field.In this wayempty space, the vacuum is actually a plenum of electromagneticenergy (virtualphotons) spanning all frequencies in theelectromagnetic frequency domain.
In contrast with quantum physics the aether theories state thatthere are no particles only waves.The zero point in the aethertheory of Daniel Winter is the perfect stillness, the alpha andtheomega of creation. This zero point is perfect stillness andinfinite movement at the same time. Itsthe same thing. How can thisbe? How can these opposites be the same? The cascade ofGolden wavescreates an infinite series of higher harmonics and when all thewaves are addedup using the Fourier principle it creates a flatwave of zero Hertz, perfect stillness!
Now think of a glass of water, if you start to vibrate itslowly, you will quite clearly see wave frontsin the glass.When weincrease the frequency, it will be harder to notice the watersurface is vibrating. If weadd in all possible vibrations withfrequencies ranging from extremely low to indefinitely high, thesumresult of all these vibrations will turn the water into a smoothsurface again. The water hasbecome calm again. This calmnesshowever is illusionary since the water is both at rest andshakinglike hell all at the same time!
That is what the zero p oint field in essence is; its completestillness (0 Hz) and filled with aninfinite cascade of Goldenharmonics all at the same time.
The waves that create matter and that by means of fractals moveinto the nucleus in anincreasing cascade of Golden waves speed upand exceed the light speed.But where do they go? They center intothe zero point, back from where they came. In thissense, the zeropoint is the alpha and omega of creation!
The zero point is perfect stillness and unimaginable abundantactivity at the same time! They aretwo sides of the same coin, itslike a snake biting its own tail.
Conscious energy
Scientists like Daniel Winter take the notion even further, theysay the aether energy hasproperties of consciousness, they concludethat there is no dualism in the physical and themental realm.
The aether energy is pure consciousness energy and since itshapes our entire universe, theuniverse itself must be a livingintelligent being.
So if this fact can be proven aether physics seems to be ascientific corroboration of the tenetsheld by many Easternspiritual traditions that the source of our universe is a lifeforce energy, aspiritual energy called many names like Prana, Ki,Chi, Akasha to name a few.
Here well present some proof of this startling conclusion,although scientists have differentideas to come to this conclusion.Some refers to Russian research on torsion waves that travelasspiraling impulses through the aether at a billion times the speedof light. They are caused bymany types of events such as themovement of physical objects but also surprisingly enoughbyconscious thought! Russian discoveries revealed that our thoughtsand feelings extend farbeyond the body and travel through theuniverse!
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Quantum physicist David Bohm also believes that the universe isholographic in nature and thatthere is an undivided wholeness ofall things. It is useless to think in terms of separate particlessince they are like little whirlpools in the river,you cant tellwhere th e whirlpool starts and the river ends. Bohm goes on to saythatconsciousness is not only present in animate life forms butalso in inanimate matter since,energy, space, time andconsciousness are not separate things according to Bohm.
Amit Goswami says that consciousness must be the ground of allbeing to solve the ambiguityof the Copenhagen interpretation ofquantum science. So it must be consciousness that isprimordial andshapes the physical.
Amit Goswami is the author of the book The self -aware universe.
Daniel Winter explains consciousness as follows; wherever theaether waves organizethemselves around the torus to become fractalor recursive, they turn around the torus to meetthemselves, theybecome self-referential. Not only do they create gravity but alsoself-referenceor self-awareness in the process. Self-reference isthe principle of being self-aware and is thedefinition ofconsciousness according to the ancient Vedas.
The Golden waves in the fractal geometrical patterns areattracted to the zero point, the focalpoint of the atom. The zeropoint acts as a fractal attractor drawing into it all theelectromagneticwaves that can be shared to ride the roller coasterof the cascading Golden waves. In a senseits a miniature black holeat tracting the light into itself meanwhile creating not onlygravity butalso self-awareness.
But if recursive electro-magnetic waves forming fractals is thetrue nature of consciousness, itmeans that consciousness is notrestricted to life forms only but also inanimate objects musthave akind of consciousness. All material things in the universe must beself-aware!
Indigenous tribes like the native Indians of America and theAustralian aboriginals for instancehave always claimed thateverything from the raindrops to rivers, from rocks to mountainsarealive. Conscious life is not restricted to animate life formsthat dwell upon the land; the Indiansbelieved that every materialthing had a soul, including the land.
To these people all of creation was alive and part of the whole;they worshipped the mountainsand the rivers, the moon and the Sunjust as much as the animals and plants.
Our western culture regards the ancient religions as primitivesince the ancients worshiped thestars and planets as the Gods ofthe Heavens. Maybe they didnt have such a primitive and poorconceptof reality after all? Maybe it is us who have some catching up todo?
It is now dawning in science that the universe may beself-aware. This implies that all atoms,planets, stars, etc, areself-aware and have some form of individuality. We can no longerspeakof consciousness that is restricted to organic life formsalone; consciousness can reside in manyforms including stars andplanets. The universe itself may be one conscious being that wehumans are part of .
This makes every single focal point of electromagnetic waves anindividual consciousness that ispart of the universalconsciousness. Human individual consciousness focusing in thehumanbody is simply a piece of the total consciousness of theuniverse.The brain is merely the antenna tuned to receive theindividual consciousness from the universalconsciousness just likethe quantum brain theory suggests. Each individual mind howeveralsohas access to the universal mind.
It would explain how the universal consciousness was accessed byso many geniuses like thegreatest philosophers, scientists, artistsand musicians that have inspired us throughout the
Ages. If we accept this, then within this holographic concept ofconsciousness our separate egos
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must be illusions.
A growing number of physicists today believe that the universeindeed is self -aware. Why is itthat almost all of the worldreligions associate Gods consciousness with light? The Bible tellsusthat God is the Light of the world!
Daniel Winters im plosion physics now tells us that it isconscious light that creates the materialworld! Could thisuniversal consciousness that many like to refer to as God be thezero point inthe aether, the still point, the fractal attractor inchaos theory that draws all the light of the worldinto itself whereall is One?The zero point could be regarded as the source anddestination, the alpha and the omega ofcreation. Daniel Wintertells us that it is this universal consciousness that focuses thewaves intothe zero point and keeps it spinning, it can be comparedwith the Gforce mentioned in
But wasnt God also associated with unconditional love? If God isreally to be associated withconscious light then where is the lovein all of Winters Golden waves?
Phi and Love
Manfred Clynes , a former concert pianist studied the relationbetween music and emotion.During his many performances he learnedthat certain parts of his playing moved people morethan others. Hewanted to find out what it was in music, what pitches and notestouched peoplemore than others. He embarked on a scientific careerto find out.
He studied the wave shapes that were related to human emotions.The tender hugs andcaressing between people seemed to followpredictable envelopes of pressure that wereuniversal. His studiesshowed that they were not related to cultural, religious orracialbackgrounds. All over the world people seem to follow thesame recipe for creating emotions inwaves.
Expressions of anger and hate where people push and jerk theother also follow predictablewave paths of pressure.
Amazingly the emotion associated with love is Golden Meanrelated! If were hugging our lovedone and we express the feeling oflove, the maximum pressure in the hug is at exactly theGolden Meanratio with respect to the total duration of the hug!
Relation between emotions and wave envelops.(Courtesy of DanWinter, www.soulinvitation.com)
Daniel Winter concluded from Manfred Clynes material that lovemust be Golden Mean related!
So it seems there is only one way the universal consciousness ofthe universe can create. Itrequires the loving non-destructiveinterference bending of light into fractal structures ofgeometriesthat allows the waves to stand and interfere eternally. The higherharmonics in theGolden Fibonacci sequence are all based on thelongest Phi wave, the carrier wave.The cascade of electromagneticwaves all braid on this Golden wave with the longestwavelength, thelong Phi wave or lo-Phi wave, the love-wave!
Is lo-Phi the origin of the word love?
So it seems only love creates and we can now appreciate that theloving waves that interferewith each other is what creates thematerial world. If the interfering waves did not maintain theGoldenMean ratio in wavelength, destructive interference would be theresult and the materialworld could simply not exist. Isnt it truethat love can move mountains and that hate and anger destroyseverything? We cansee the same principle expressed in waves thatlovingly construct the material world! When the
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waves hate each other, they compete and kill each other!
Light in a straight line is energy, loving light bent around afocal point creates matter and its theuniversal consciousness thatkeeps the waves centered! If the universal mind of the universe,God is the light and love of the world, like the Bible hasalwaystold us; we can now appreciate it from a scientificperspective!
The loving heart
Daniel Winter is a member of the Heart Coherence Team that hasdeveloped a Heart Tuner .The Heart Tuner is a heart/brainbiofeedback system that is able to measure the coherencebetween theheartbeats (Electrocardiogram ECG) and the brainwaves(ElectroencephalogramEEG) of an individual. It is used bytherapists and researchers but is also suited for individualstoestablish balance between the heart and mind.
For the first time in history were able to really measure humanemotions such as compassion,empathy, love, anger and frustration.The Heart Tuner uses the electromagnetic waves of theheart and thebrain and is able to determine if there is harmony between them, inother words ifthere is coherence between heart and mind. What theHeart Tuner does is that it checks whetherour feelings and thoughtsare balanced.
For ages weve believed that the heart is the home of ourfeelings and emo tions, it is expressedin almost any popular lovesong, however human emotions can now really be measured andtheystem from the heart indeed. Emotions are reflected in the wavesof the ECG.
Also our thoughts leave a fingerprint in the electromagnetic field of the brain, our brainwavesrecorded in the EEG. The Heart Tunerpicks up the signals of the heart and the brain and is abletodetect phase locks between the waves of the ECG and the EEG.
When a phase lock is detected, not only do the frequencies inthe heart signal match up with thefrequencies of the brainwaves,also their phase matches, the waves are harmoniouslyconnected! Intechnical terms the signals are said to be coherent! What really ishappening isthat the person involved is balancing his feelings andhis thoughts and hes experiencingpeaceful, joyful feelings,bliss.
The Heart Tuner has proven its therapeutic benefits: Itstimulates the immune system Balances emotional and physical healthIs a feedback tool for stress release Improves a persons learningabilities Can be used to eradicate addictions Is a good aid inconflict solving by measuring coherence between two
persons (its a lie detector that never lies!)
Now how does the Heart Tuner work and what is really happeningin the frequency spectra of theheart and brain?
First of all, the sonic sounds of the heart, the heartbeats aretranslated into electromagneticpulses by the thymus of the heartand the glands in our body that act as piezo-electricaldevicestranslating sonic pressures into electromagnetism. This ishow the heart creates anelectromagnetic field that can be measuredas an ECG.
Daniel Winter discovered that people who are experiencing truefeelings of love leave a signaturein the frequency spectrum of theheart, the ECG.
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What happens is that the frequency components in the spectrumbecome Golden Mean related(Phi)!Surprisingly also the brainwavescan become entrained, phase locked with the heartbeat waves!Brainand heart waves beat at the same pace and in the same phaseconnected by the GoldenMean (Phi).
The result is our by now familiar cascade of Goldenelectromagnetic waves just like wevediscussed before that ishappening inside the atom.
According to Daniel Winter, the cascade of Goldenelectromagnetic waves ends up as blue lightin the DNA of our body!The DNA is a kind of a lens attracting the electromagnetic energyintoitself.
So how does the heart and brain waves that have long wavelengthsconnect and lock with themuch shorter wavelengths of the DNA? Itsthe Golden Mean ratio that bridges the scale of thelong wavelengthof the heart and brain waves to the short wavelength of DNA. Whenourthoughts and emotions are attuned to love, a cascade ofFibonacci series of harmonics iscreated that links the energy ofthe heart and mind to our own DNA.
So emotion is really energy, it is energy in motion, e-motion.Emotion is like a roller coasterconveying the emotional energy fromthe heart to every cell in our body into our very own DNA.Theenergy of our emotions moves between these scales of long waves toshort waves and isfinally delivered to our DNA. Fritz Popp hadpreviously discovered the bio photons, the blue lightin the bodyand assumed that it was somehow related to DNA, Daniel Winterexplains us thewave coupling mechanism of how the energy of themind and heart is delivered to our very ownDNA.
When the heart expresses the emotion of love it creates acascade of Golden Meanelectromagnetic waves, in fact it createsgravity just like the atom does when it attracts byGolden Meanbraiding electromagnetic waves into the zero still point.Why havewe always associated love with gravity? Why do we use words like Imattracted toyou, like the moon is to the Earth, when were in lovewith someone? Why has our emotionalways been associated withweight?
When Isaac Newton saw the apple fall from the tree, he justdiscovered gravity. He ran off to tellothers and explained theprinciple of gravity by saying that the apple is attracted to theEarth.The people stared and laughed at him, the whole idea seemedpreposterous, how could an applebe attracted to the Earth? Are theyin love?Only people in love are attracted to each other. It tookNewton a long time before people startedto get used to the idea ofgravity as a force of attraction.In those days, Newton would havedone better to take other words to explain the principlesofgravity. However taking Daniel Winters theory of gravityliterally, the word attraction seems justfine; it now seemsappropriate three hundred years after Newton to say that the Earthand themoon are in love and that it is gravitation that is drawinga man to a woman!
Daniel Winter also used his Heart Tuner on a trained yogi whowent into a deep state ofmeditation. Formerly he had instructed theyogi to focus on a tree and to send loving thoughts tothe tree. Heplaced an antenna near the tree and linked both the yogi and theantenna near thetree to his Heart Tuner.
The antenna under the tree picked up the Earths electro magneticSchumann waves.The Schumann waves named after German Professor W.OSchumann were discovered in1952. The Schumann waves are a result ofthe Schumann resonance , a frequency resonation ofabout 8 Hertzthat occurs between upper layers in the atmosphere and the Earthscrust. It iscalled Gaias heartbeat.
The Schumann resonance is somehow related to human consciousnesssince brainwaves
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operate in a frequency domain that includes the 8-Hertz Schumannfrequency. Spacecraft ofNASA are all equipped with a device thatsimulates the natural Schumann resonance frequency.From early spacetravel NASA learned that astronauts get disoriented and distressedwhen theyare shut off from the Schumann resonance. As a human beingwe depend on it.
Daniel Winter demonstrated that the trees in the woods act likehuge antennae that pick up theSchumann frequency and amplify it.When hooked up to the Heart Tuner he noticed first of allthat thatthe yogis ECG and EGG were coherent as expected from earlierexperiments. Howeverhe also found that the yogis brainwaves andheartbeats had become coherent with theSchumann resonance of theEarth!
What he demonstrated with his experiment is that when we feellove we tune into and becomeone with nature itself. Daniel Winternow believes that all biological life depends on theSchumannresonance as the carrier wave, the long Phi wave to braidelectromagnetic Goldenwaves. Humans can link up to biology and tomother Earth itself for that matter.The heartbeat of this planet isthe Schumann resonance. It may be the explanation why a walk inthewoods is so refreshing and why people like to spend time in nature.Being completely shut offfrom the Schumann resonance on highaltitudes in a plane where the fuselage acts like a bigFaradaycage, is now believed to contribute to the effects of a jetlag.
Daniel Winter warns us of the hazards of electromagnetic smog inour biosphere; it destructivelyinterferes with biology itself andfinally causes cancer.Weve shielded ourselves from the naturalSchumann resonance and the Earth grid energies byhiding in concretebuildings and by destroying the green forests of the globe, theantennae thatamplify the Schumann resonance.The power grid in theUnited States that drains current into the Earth causes the worstcase ofelectromagnetic pollution and this activity should bestopped immediately according to DanWinter!
Torsion waves
Nikola Tesla around 1900 was the first to experiment with twospiral coils (caduceus shaped).He fed the two coils with opposingalternating currents such that they would createelectromagneticfields that would be self-cancelling. Although the electromagneticfields werecancelled out, he demonstrated that his Tesla coils werenevertheless able to transmit energyover long distances. He hadactually discovered a new form of energy.Remarkably Tesla s wavesdid not loose its energy at the inverse square of the distanceasnormal electromagnetic energy does, even over long distancesthere was no loss of energy to benoticed.
Teslas work on this revolutionary new form of energy was almostforgotten in history. Itretrospect it seems his work was toorevolutionary to be accepted by society in the lastcentury,especially its application of free energy. This is why hiswork nearly disappeared without trace.Fortunately the same form ofnew energy was independently discovered in the nineteen fiftiesbyRussian astrophysicist Dr. Nikolai A. Kozyrev (1908-1983).
Kozyrevs discoveries were kept secret by the Soviet Union duringthe Cold War. It was only afterthe fall of the Iron Curtain thatKozyrevs disco veries were slowly revealed to the West. IntheSoviet Union thousands of academics have delved into thissubject after Kozyrevs initialdiscovery of this new form of energy.Kozyrev proved the existence of the aether once and for all.
This new energy is neither electromagnetic in nature nor does itrelate to gravity as it stands onits own. The new form of energydiscovered by Kozyrev is a spiralling non-Hertzianelectromagneticwave that travels through the vacuum at super-luminal speeds, abillion times(10 C) faster than light.
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Due to the spiraling nature of the wave, the wave is called atorsion wave since it traces aspiraling path! According to someresearchers the torsion wave also traces a perfect Phispiral!Torsion waves are called non-Hertzian waves since they donot obey the classical theory ofHertz and Maxwell.
Einstein and Dr. Eli Cartan predicted the existence of statictorsion fields in 1913 in a theory thatbecame known as theEinstein-Cartan Theory or ECT for short. Torsion fields never gotverymuch interest in physics until Kozyrev discovered their actualexistence.
We have already discussed torsion waves here about the zeropoint field, where we mentionedthat Tom Bearden discovered that thefundamental wave in the electromagnetic wave is a scalarwave. Thescalar wave is the wave that remains when two oppositeelectromagnetic wavesinterfere cancelling out the electric andmagnetic field components, just like Tesla did. The result is ahitherto unrecognized component in the electromagnetic wave, alongitudinalwave vibrating in the same direction it is travelling.Maxwells classical electromagnetic wavetheory that is still theprevailing theory today for electromagnetism does not allow forscalarwaves and accounts for transverse electromagnetic wavesonly.These transverse Hertzian waves named after Heinrich Hertz,are created when electric chargesoscillate from side to side in adipole antenna.
At a distance they will induce a transverse force on a charge ina distant radio receiver antennawhen aligned perpendicular to thepropagated direction of the Hertzian wave. Scalar waves,lackingtransverse polarity, are generated in a totally different way andcannot be received with anormal dipole antenna, the antenna used inall of our ordinary electronic receivers.This is also theexplanation for why this new form of energy has not been discoveredmuchearlier.Tom Bearden s scalar waves now get support from Paul LaV iolette whose sub quantum kineticstheory not only predicts theHertzian transverse waves but also Teslas longitudinal scalarwaves.
According to Paul La Violette a monopole antenna such as acharged sphere will createlongitudinal scalar potential waves whenperiodically charged and discharged. Scalar potentialwaves can andhave been detected using a Bendini detector.
To prevent the misconstruing of scalar and torsion wavesmentioned in this book, they aresynonyms for the same wave.
Scalar or torsion waves now seem to play a significant role inexplaining our physical reality. Although torsion fields are veryweak they can be measured using torsion beam balances thatwerefirst developed by Kozyrev. Torsion waves create minute forces inmatter and tha ts howthey can be detected.
Torsion fields can be either static or dynamic. Static torsionfields can take on the form ofvortexes like the one mentioned inthe implosion physics of Daniel Winter. These static vortextorsionfields in the fabric of the vacuum space can stay in one place fora very long period oftime. Kozyrev discovered that torsion fieldscan also propagate through space as torsion wavesat tremendousspeeds at least one billion times the speed of light (10 9 C).
He noticed that all physical objects both absorb and radiatetorsion waves.By shaking, vibrating, deforming, heating and coolingphysical objects they generate measurabletorsion waves. Even thedisplacement of an object generates torsion waves that canbemeasured. All movement therefore from the vibrations of atoms tothe orbits of our planets andstars leaves their traces in the formof torsion waves in the aether.
A very remarkable phenomenon that Kozyrev discovered by rotatinggyroscopes is that the y losevery small but measurable amounts ofweight. Also firmly shaking objects could make objectslose weight.Now from our current understandings of physics this is quiteimpossible! It violatesall physical laws, how can solid matter loseweight when it is spun at high speeds or shaken?
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If we still believe that matter is made of little hard marblescalled particles, yes this would be agreat mystery!However Kozyrevshowed that the gyroscopes shed more torsion waves when shaken orspun,so that aetheric energy that sustains the object was shed backinto the background sea of theaether. The momentary loss of aetherenergy accounted for the weight drop.
Dr. Harold Aspden of Cambridge University discovered a relatedphenomenon. He attached apowerful magnet to a gyroscope and spun itat high speeds. He measured the amount of energyrequired toaccelerate the gyroscope to full speed to be a 1000 Joules. Now tohis surprise whenhe stopped the gyroscope from spinning andrestarted the gyroscope to spin again within 60seconds after itstopped, it required 10 times less energy to spin the gyroscope tothe samespeed.The spin of the gyroscope had added extra spin to theaether that sustains the gyroscope thatlasted for a while before itwore off, rather like the momentum stored in the tea of a teacupafterstirring it with a teaspoon. We now know that spinning magnetsare strong torsion wavegenerators.
Another violation of the laws of Newton with respect to torsionfields comes from Bruce DePalma .He conducted experiments where hecatapulted two identical steel balls at the same speedunder thesame angle into the air. The only difference between the balls wasthat one of the ballswas rotating at 27000 revolutions/minute andthe other was not. The spinning ball reached farhigher into the airthan the non-spinning ball. By the spinning of the ball torsionfields werecreated that caused a slight change in the total mass ofthe ball.
Kozyrev discovered that stars also radiate torsion wave energyand postulated that these torsionwaves were generated due to thespinning of the stars. From his astronomical observations ofstarsusing dedicated telescopes to measure the torsion wave radiation,he noticed that the starradiated this torsion wave energy from alocation in the sky that must be the true position of thestarwhereas the visible light of the star reveals the position of thestar many years ago since ittook many light-years before this lightreached the Earth.From this observation he concluded that thetorsion wave must travel at super-luminal speeds.He even noticedthat torsion wave radiation was received in a location in the skythat revealed
the future position of the star! Since torsion waves travel atsuper-luminal speeds, they can crossthe time barrier and move intothe future.
Since the Earth also radiates torsion waves and this torsionradiation is much stronger near thepoles, Kozyrevs experiments aregeographical location dependant. He also noticed that hiseffectscould only be measured during the cold periods of the year. In thesummer the intensesolar torsion waves interfered with the torsionwaves of his experiments. Our Sun is the greatesttorsion wavegenerator in our Solar System.
Torsion waves flow in and out of all physical matter and atomsare basically all torsion wavegenerators.
The counter rotating Phi spiralling electromagnetic waves in theimplosion physics of DanielWinter that spiral into the nucleus ofthe atom, likewise cancel the electromagnetic componentsof theelectromagnetic waves and results in a torsion wave.
Phi caduceus scalar wave(Courtesy of Dan Winter,www.soulinvitation.com)
Russian science has actually many names for Daniel Winterselectromagnetic energy vortexessuch as spin fields, torsion fieldsand axion fields; they are all vacuum spin fields. The doughnutandvortex structures of spiraling Golden Mean waves described byDaniel Winter are forms ofstatic torsion fields.The spiralling intothe zero still point of the electromagnetic vortex creates thefollowing effects:
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It accumulates infinite energy due to the implosion of the wavesintosmaller and smaller wavelengths. The shorter the wavelength themoreenergy is contained in the spiraling wave. Like the tornadoaccumulatesenergy and focuses it into the eye of the tornado, theelectromagneticvortex accumulates energy into its still-point.Notice that it is the extremespinning of air molecules in the eyeof a tornado that gives it its immensedestructive power.
A spin field of electromagnetic energy stores inertia (theresistance tomovement). The more spin, the more inertia is stored.The same inertiaeffect is demonstrated by spinning tops andgyroscopes that resist anychange to their momentum.
If we appreciate these two effects created by torsion fields, wemay start to understand whymatter and energy are interchangeable(Einsteins famous formula E=m*c 2) and what it is thatgives matterits solidness.
If we organize vortex spin fields of electromagnetic energy inthe organization patterns of thePlatonic solids we call an atom, wemay now understand that:
Matter is a dense form of accumulated energy Matter internallyhas properties of inertia that gives it mass
So in reality, there is really nothing solid about matter.Massis the illusion of a solid thing, its the Maya of the materialworld mentioned by the Tao. Thisillusion is sustained by the storedinertia in the waves and has tricked science into maintainingafalse concept of inertia. Weve always believed that inertia is aninherent property of mass, butthe truth is just the opposite, thestored inertia of spinning electromagnetism in a local regionofspace creates the effect we observe as mass!
There is little known in Western science about torsion fieldscreated by matter spun at highspeeds.NASA has just recentlylaunched a satellite in April 2004 to investigate the spin fieldsof theplanets in our Solar System. Since most scientists believethat the spin field is a property ofmatter, they fail to recognizethat it is the torsion field that creates matter in the firstplace. Brucede Palmas spinning gyro experiments proved thatgyroscopes actually lose weight.
This phenomenon is totally unexplainable within the currentscientific paradigm, however if weunderstand that by spinning anobject we change the overall electromagnetic spin stored intheobject, we may see why it has a feeble but measurable affect onits mass.
We can now also start to see why Haisch & Rueda, discussedin The Zero Point Field , wereable to prove Newtons famous law ofinertia F=m * a. They proved that inertia is the effectcaused byaccelerating mass through the zero point field. Well since theelectromagnetic vortexwithin the atom stores both zero point energyand inertia, were not surprised to find a correlationhere.
Static torsion fields in the form of vortexes in the aether andthe spiraling torsion wave travellingat super-luminal speeds aregetting more and more attention in Western science. Accordingtosome, torsion waves are the missing link in the search for afinal theory of everything, Einsteins
unified field theory. It seems that electromagnetism, gravityand torsion waves are all members ofthe same family; they are justdifferent forms of aether vibrations.
The most astonishing fact that may prove that a theory foreverything is within reach, is the factthat Kozyrev discovered thathuman thoughts and feelings are generating torsion waves as well.Hehas been able to measure torsion waves that were caused by suddenhuman emotionalchanges. So what Kozyrev proved was that:
Consciousness is related to aether vibrations.
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Our very thoughts and emotions create torsion waves that travelat super-luminal speeds to thefar ends of the universe.
Torsion waves may be the physics for telepathy, the ability ofmind reading between twoindividuals. Since torsion wave canphysically affect matter, it may also be the explanationforpsychokinesis or PK, the ability to mentally change physicalobjects.Stage performer and spoon bender Uri Geller has alwaysdemonstrated these abilities in front oflarge audiences. Althoughmany still think he was a conman, he has been subjected toscientificscrutiny but they could never disprove his ability.During the Cold War Russian scientistsexperimented a lot withpsychics because they believed that their abilities weregenuine.
Now we may remember from Science and Consciousness the researchprograms of Dr. WilliamTiller into the effects of humanintention.He used test persons to imprint their intentions into hisIIED device and asked them tomanipulate the outcome of anexperiment, for instance the lowering of the acidity of water.TheIIED device was placed in a room for extended periods of timeand the effect of lowering theacidity of water could clearly bemeasured.
After a while the IIED device could be removed from the room andthe effect continued. Theroom had somehow be
What is the dynamic theory of the aether? ›
This theory of gravity assumes that the aether particle interactions are perfectly elastic, and aether can easily penetrate the nucleus of atoms, as they are not affected by electromagnetic or nuclear forces.
What is the aether light energy? ›Luminiferous aether or ether (luminiferous meaning 'light-bearing') was the postulated medium for the propagation of light. It was invoked to explain the ability of the apparently wave-based light to propagate through empty space (a vacuum), something that waves should not be able to do.
What is ether in physics? ›Ether, also spelled aether, also called luminiferous ether, in physics, a theoretical universal substance believed during the 19th century to act as the medium for transmission of electromagnetic waves (e.g., light and X-rays), much as sound waves are transmitted by elastic media such as air.
What is vibration in physics? ›Vibration is the repeated back-and-forth motion of a particle when displaced from its equilibrium position. It exhibits a periodic or repetitive motion at regular intervals. Examples of vibration include the oscillation of a tuning fork and the swinging of a pendulum.
Is the Aether theory debunked? ›Several iterations of the experiment disproved the luminiferous aether theory. The scientific community only accepted that it did not exist in 1905 when Albert Einstein published his special theory of relativity. He proved that the speed of light is constant. Therefore, there was no luminiferous aether.
Did Einstein believe in ether? ›Other scientists, sure that the ether theory was correct, continued searching for it. It wasn't until 1905, when Einstein published his Special Theory of Relativity, that the physics community began to accept that the ether does not exist.
Is aether a consciousness? ›Aether is soul-wisdom, it is collective consciousness, it is where we go when we dream of better worlds; places more egalitarian, more free, places where there are opportunities for fulfillment and joy and love. It is the space of lucid dreams, and mind-altered experience.
What is the symbol for aether? ›Symbol for aether, a hexagram and Star of David, with a dot in the center. Akasha, Akash, ether or aither, the secret and hidden fifth element or quintessence, from which the other elements emerged.
What kind of god is aether? ›Aether was the God of light in Greek mythology. He was the son of Erebus and Nyx. Aether is one of the primordial deities, the first-born elementals. Damascius says that Aether, Erebus and Chaos were siblings, and the offspring of Chronos (Father Time).
What is ether in spirituality? ›Ether is both nothing and everything at the same time. It's stillness, yet it's the very thing that makes all movement and life possible. Referred to as 'akasha' in Sanskrit, ether is the element that comes first in yogic and Ayurvedic thinking.
What is ether in human body? ›
Ether (Akash)
Sound and ether are inseparable, so the ear is considered to be the sense organ of ether. The mouth is its organ of action. Hearing loss and loss of voice is the result of a disturbance in the functions of the ether element. The ether element is present in the body as the empty space between cells.
The Four Ethers—Warmth, Light, Sound, Magnetism—are the four "formative forces" which for MMG constitute the physical world.
What are the four types of vibration? ›A vibrating motion can be oscillating, reciprocating, or periodic. Vibration can also be either harmonic or random. Harmonic vibration occurs when a vibration's frequency and magnitude are constant.
What is the law of vibration? ›The Law of Vibration states that everything in the universe is in a constant state of movement. We refer to these movements as vibration, and the speed or rate at which something vibrates is called its frequency.
What are the three types of vibration? ›Free, forced and damped vibrations, Modeling and simulation studies, 6.
What is the concept of dynamic theory? ›Dynamical systems theory is an area of mathematics used to describe the behavior of complex dynamical systems, usually by employing differential equations or difference equations. When differential equations are employed, the theory is called continuous dynamical systems.
What is the aether field theory? ›In the history of physics, aether theories (also known as ether theories) propose the existence of a medium, a space-filling substance or field as a transmission medium for the propagation of electromagnetic or gravitational forces.
What is the Einstein aether theory? ›An Einstein-aether theory is an alternative theory of gravity that adds a vector field to the theory of general relativity. There are also scalar field modifications, including Brans–Dicke theory, all included with Horndeski's theory.
What is the aether energy wave theory? ›Energy Wave Theory Laws
Aether granules are the medium that respond to wave energy such that each one transfers its momentum to the next granule, in the direction of motion. Aether wave centers reflect wave energy, and the combination of in-waves and out-waves creates standing waves.